[Investigating] No monday weapon offer on switch

Last 2 or 3 mondays i had not got a weapon offer.

Platform : switch


I have the same problem as well and only need 4 missing weapons. It was an absolute nightmare for me to get money locked weapons for Switch and I’m afraid that this bug slipped through the cracks.

Since support tickets and bug reports are on life support, I’m afraid this issue will never be resolved, so I’ll get the drinks ready.:beer:

@Sokun Please respond, and if you need more information or screenshots, let me know.

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I’m following this up with the team, just waiting for more of the team to be on for the day!

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Those are the paid for only weapons in question just to be clear.

We know that we all have to make adjustments during this time, but we appreciate your efforts, @Jeto

@kasskados & @Darkborne can I just grab both your invite codes in the meantime while I’m waiting to hear back.

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My Invite Code is:DARKBORNE_GGXJ


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My invite Code : KASSKADOS_QQPJ

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New monday, no weapon flash offer.

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Don’t you want my 5 bucks ? :rofl:

New monday, no weapon flash offer

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@kasskados @Darkborne I have a Monday offer. Last week too. :sweat_smile:

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Still nothing. I could honestly care less because I’m pretty sure that my money-locked kingdoms are fine because we will get enough weapons in the future.

I just feel bad for Kassados and others because they would gladly pay the devs some money for their efforts.
Or maybe they just don’t care at all?:rofl:

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One more monday … :clown_face:

This is taking so long to get an update, as we are investigating with Nintendo if the limitations on IAPs are affecting this lack of offers, or if it is something else.

That whole process of communication alone, trying to start a back-and-forth, takes time in itself - this is nothing something we have forgotten about.

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ok thx for answering and let us know.

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1 week later, some guildmates have the offer some not, i don’t think it’s something with nintendo limitation. I have all the others offers, and in past i had the monday weapon offer.

It is not specifically the offer as a whole, each weapon is it’s own offer.
So if there is a weapon, for example, in the list of X weapons that are not affected by the limitations, then they would appear… but if its a weapon outside of that list, then they won’t appear.

Again, we are still investigating.

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