Weapons unobtainable

Since i can’t write more than 3 messages in a row on same topic, i open one more.

What’s going on with those missing weapons that i can’t have ?

Can we have an explication from the team ?

Looks like devs don’t care about switch platform …

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You aren’t likely to get an answer from the team on this. They answered it long ago when they said some weapons are cash only, and switch will get some non-cash weapons later.

Dev/team answers in these topics:

Hey, eventually we will bring all content to Switch but as the post linked mentioned Switch is running on a different content schedule due to releasing years after the other platforms.

I’ve passed feedback to the team that our Switch players are very keen to get their hands on these Weapons.


Thank you for the response Kafka :slight_smile:

Me and Kass have been going back and forth lately, trying to get the attention of the developers about this issue. (others have chimed in as well, detailing the weapons we need, but we thought it was worth a shot to bring up the problem again).

Forgotten switch users have now caught up to other platforms for needing the paid-for-only-limited-time weapons for kingdom upgrades (maugrim woods and swords edge respectively) and we would like this issue resolved ASAP.

I know that the development team is probably busy with all the new events scheduled for this month, but try not to forget about switch users.