[Investigating] No Defense score added to GW

I didn’t have the visual bug today. I did have it on the first day but got my full score. I did not have the visual 0/0 bug today and proceeded as normal. However today I did not get my 2,000 defense points. I hope this information is helpful.

Same problem here (android)

maybe those whose defense was attacked didn’t get points

In our guild, 5 player had the same thing

It’s happening on yellow day as well . We had our first player in my guild affected today in B2 . Granted most of my guild are weekend warriors so no telling what will happen by then .
Freeze the brackets from results in October wars , cancel this one and try again in December after yall can get a good whack at fixing this. And please don’t insult us further with just a 50 gem compensation. We work all month long for this mode. We take it very seriously and alot of us in upper brackets spend money to keep our accounts in shape most if the time . Please do right by your players . Goodluck on finding the bug. Maybe even take a look at that other gws bug yall said could not be fixed . I wonder if it related :thinking:.


Yes, I think they should cancel this war and make sure to fix everything for the next one.


This, please. I rather stay in my current bracket than move up or down because messed up points


If the devs do cancel this wars , as they should , I want my resources back as a bare minimum. My whole guild wasted resources this week. All 30 members have their sentinels maxed as do most guilds in high brackets wars


Yep, all of my sentinels are fully primed too. Gems are our biggest assets - we should at least be reimbursed those. The glory/coin doesn’t concern me, but I can always use the gems.


Same here. The souls, glory & gold would be welcome, but not missed. Gems, though…


The silence is deafening.

Most of my guild has held off doing their battles so there will be 15 battles to do tomorrow, then there’s the new class launch to contend with.

It’s inappropriate to keep barrelling forward with new content while breaking the game and leaving previous issues unfixed.

I don’t have the time to stack my battles up while this bug is fixed, so I run the risk of dragging my guild’s score down by 2k because of this bug.

GW is already hard enough with the T/L shape doom skull bug, the Ironhawk Deluge bug and other things.


I also did not receive protection points for the red day. Fix it or let this war not count!


We wouldn’t need [investigating] if you were competent and tested your cesspool regularly.


So far i dont think there is a patent on who get bugged and who doesnt
P/s: just glad you still use the avatar i found for you :rofl:

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Второй день подряд пролёта с подсчётом очков, снова не дали 2000, теперь за 2 дня игры в войне гильдий не досчитываю 4000 спасибо вам за это, так держать… Если завтра тоже самое будет это будет полный краз

Journey bugged, GW bugged, tomorrow new class, let’s start betting how many bugs will have… :frowning:

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i offer to rename the game to “bugs of war” :woozy_face:


Same problem

Ah, I see, Cairnso has already edited the post with the possible workaround. In the meantime, I have also one guildmember reporting, that the 0/0 was not visible, but the bug did strike nonetheless :roll_eyes:

Well it has 3 traits and a weapon and 7x3 talents, I would say at least 24 :rofl: