[Investigating] No Defense score added to GW

Thanks, but short terms? What happen?
We play as usual and good luck avoiding the bug. There is a chance that you may correct the scores?

We were waiting for an answer, but it seem like an easy way out.


And… what happens for this guild war?
The development team will be on weekend in a few hours. I highly doubt that anything will be fixed by then.
Do we have to play with the bugs? Have people who take GW seriously get totally demotivated and possibly quit?
Do we have to get prepared to get weekly rankings that will be totally random depending on how much each guild will have been hit by the bugs? Will the rewards and promotions and demotions for next month will be based on those random scores?


Sorry for being a bit abrasive but we’ve been asking for that acknowledgement since yesterday.

A simple “hey everyone, I’m sorry that this is happening. we’re looking into this. I’ll get back to you with any news asap.” would have gone a long way.

Takes 5 minutes to write.

Have you considered getting a new community manager? The right person can change so much. I’ve seen that in other games I play.

Will also make your lives much easier if you have someone who really is in touch with the community, whose single role is communications.

Someone in a different timezone or working different hours to you with a slight overlap of maybe 2h or so would be something, you know… So there isn’t hours and hours of silence after a bug is found while you’re all at home / asleep.


Freeze the brackets.


So as dev team is investigating since yesterday, I hope, there is a plan on how to procede with this guild wars scoring already. And that plan would be…?

From my point of view, there are only two possible things. Correct the scores, and if that is not possible, freeze the brackets.


Well this feel as close to the Gems of War: Apocalypse that I can think of. At least 3 issues affecting guild wars.

Is there anything more we can provide to help ? Video, ss , invite codes, troops we used, or anything else to help pinpoint this ? Do we keep posting when the bug hits even if we have posted ,but it hits us more than once for the week or do you have all you need atm ?


Do you understand that ALL of B1 is at a standstill. we are monitoring this thread to see any updates . But all you say you are investigating this issue now. What we really want to know is do we go on and are we going be compensated for points lost when and if we do. If you would do some testing on anything new in the game, you would know how hard some of us work to get to B1 and the ones in B1 have to work hard to stay in that bracket. How come it seems that you always come up with new stuff right in gw week or just before all devs leave for a weekend. @Kafka you said yourself that “we have been looking into guild wars as a priority since yesterday” . So why have you not come up with some conclusion how the top brackets move forward in this gw. You need to learn compassion for your players of gow. We already known you been investigating just by the title added to this thread as of yesterday. I figured you have 2.5 hrs -3.5 hrs. before you leave for the weekend. Are you just going keep us hanging not knowing what to do.


Dude, you can’t just be like mixing gifs from different films like that though.

Hmmmmmmm I see no problem.


Play Guild Wars as you would normally, don’t hold off on it.

I don’t have any further information at this stage I’m afraid :frowning:

I know how important this is and I know how disappointed and angry you must all be.

I will talk about this with the team again first thing on Monday morning and will hopefully have more information for you then.

I’m sorry this has happened :frowning:

First answer coming this late it would need a miracle for something to happen… Our guild is crushing GW score records at the moment even with the bug, so I would not like to see that go to waste, but I also understand the view from guilds in competitive brackets. How about just closing the whole game for as long as it takes to fix everything, using bubblegum for the holes is not a good fix, especially as it seems the same bubblegum is used for all the holes, running around aimlessly…

@Kafka @Jeto @OminousGMan @Sirrian

It’s not an answer, we are day 4 on 6 !!! .
B1 is in pause and W-E is at our doors. What must we do ? WE NEED TO KNOW !!!

  1. wait a fix (BEFORE W-E) and then play with this fix
  2. play without a fix and we’ll get a compensation of any sort
  3. skip (GW cancelled or Brackets frozen) → compensation for our sentinels (gems !!!)
  4. skip (no cancellation, no freeze) → compensation for our sentinels (gems !!!), otherwise we gonna leave your stupid full bugged game. We’re working a full month to prepare the GW in B1 and we are pouring $$$ in your pockets. This is disrespect.


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Once again this game that is live 24/7 doesn’t have around the clock support staff. It maybe the weekend or you need to stay back a few hours, that’s just something that occasionally happens in a job, you work to get the problem solved.

This company’s customer relations and QA has really suffered in the last couple of years with bug adter bug and people are leaving in droves. Remember that even in a F2P game you need a large enough playerbase around or you’ll be looking for a new job.


Thanks, a more complete answer with how will be counted or not the guild war result would be appreciated but now we know we can play and deal with the bug as it is

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no, we don’t know if we can play. Kakfa didn’t said anything about a potential resolution or not. They are ‘investigating’ (aka we don’t care, the W-E is there, no extra hours, we’ll see later … maybe).

Es lo mejor que podría pasar para no adulterar la clasificación y que se vean perjudicados los gremios que hacen los combates al día. Bug en igualdad para todos…


No Defense Bonus 2 days in a row.
At this rate, not only will I loose my Paragon streak, I will be down with the Vanguards next month.

Don’t hold guildwar, play ad normal is an answer

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in B1, we can’t just accept a ‘try, it could be work’, sorry.

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