I just unlocked Necromancer, I figured others may want to know what it is. Perhaps others could post about the other classes to keep this consolidated before the wiki gets updated.
Longevity: The Hero gains +8 Life (10 victories required)
Deadly Power: The Hero gains +2 Magic (25 victories required)
Unlife: The Hero counts as Undead for Team Bonuses (50 victories required)
Undead Bond: Allied Undead gain 2 Life (18 Minor Magic Traitstone, 10 Runic Magic Traitstone, 10 Runic Water Traitstone)
Magic Spirit: Gain 1 Magic for each Purple ally (26 Minor Magic Traitstone, 12 Major Magic Traitstone, 10 Arcane Spirit Traitstone)
Ensoul: Gain an extra Soul on 4 or 5 Gem matches (???)
+1 Blue gem mastery
Counts as Khetar troop for team bonuses (Activates at Level 10)
+1 Magic when using purple weapons
Special class weapon:
Creeping Death: Place Deathmark on the strongest and weakest enemies and deal 6 damage to all enemies.
Cloak of Leaves: The Hero gains +8 Armor (10 victories required)
Surprise: The Hero gains +2 Magic (25 victories required)
Beastmaster: The Hero counts as Beast for Team Bonuses (50 victories required)
Avenger: Gain 3 Attack when an ally dies (18 Minor Earth Traitstone, 12 Major Earth Traitstone, 10 Runic Earth Traitstone)
Beast Bond: Allied Beasts gain 2 Life (???)
Ward: All allies gain 5 Armor (???)
+1 Brown gem mastery
Counts as Maugrim Woods troop for team bonuses (Activates at Level 10)
+1 Magic when using brown weapons
Special class weapon: Warden’s Gauntlets - 14 Brown - Destroy a row and column. Deal 8 damage randomly split among enemies, boost by every Green gem destroyed.