Guilds are allowed to rotate members in certain events to boost scores

Just chiming in to say “not encouraging” something is not the same as discouraging it.

I don’t encourage people to go rock climbing—I, personally, don’t think it sounds like a fun or safe activity. But have I ever discouraged someone else from rock climbing? Of course not.

Devs aren’t going to go out and say “everyone should go use this thing” because they have no real stake—you can see in Kafka’s statements that, in context, it is unfair advantage or actual cheating (re: bots or scripts or hacks or exploits) with which they have concern, not a tool every guild has access to.

But carry on — I’m sure I’ve changed no one’s mind, so I’ll just grab my :popcorn: and be on my way :vulcan_salute:

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NP…this “little boy clown” has seen everything (and more) that I could ever have wished for. Thank you.

A lot of this is off-topic/breaching community guidelines.

@Lyya @Saltypatra @Kafka, could you please intervene when you have the time. I dislike being a ‘snitch’ but nothing good will come from this current conversation :wink:

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Thread has clearly run its course.