GoWDB: Pet and Weapons leaderboards

@Lyya kinda unimportant but i think the Owned Pets column is showing incorrect number

Maybe so — link me your collection and which numbers look wrong (here or in PM) and I can investigate.


max # of pets seems to be set to 44. i myself have 47 pets

Oh, whoops. You were talking about the leaderboard, not your collection. I should read better. Will take a look. Thanks!

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@Lyya When do you think you can show more than the Top 50 in the Leaderboars?

@Lyya Can you add the Total Class XP earned in the Champion Level Leaderboard. I think that might be more representive than the average Champion Level…

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Doesn’t that also cap out at whatever the max level is? Or are you referring to xp beyond max level?

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No, I mean only the XP to level 100.

But as Level 100 needs 100 XP and Level 2 only 2, lower levels are a lot easier to gain while the amount of XP would show a more constant progress.

i myself would like to see xp beyond max level if possible since the game seemingly still gives it to you even after lvl 100 and i know that have so much of it xD heres a battle count my mech class had before they changed to not be able to see anymore lol



@Lyya The Champions Level 20 is not fulfilled, but green…

Ah thanks, I’ll investigate.

This should now be fixed, I believe. Thanks for the report.


  1. Is the change intended?
  2. how can #1 have more than 2100 levels if only 21 classes exist?

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She removed the champion level leaderboard, that is the hero level one

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So will the champion level leaderboard come back or was this removal intended?

Just the menu link was removed(?), the ranking still works. I hope also the link will come back, i think it is just a bug.

Also the link for the Playstation Invasion is buggy, from the menu you get https://gowdb.com/ps/extras/leaderboards/invasion missing the last “s” Invasion Leaderboard - Leaderboards - Extras - Gems of War Database - this one is working.

Yes, sorry, just a bug. I’ll restore the link today. Thanks for the report!

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10th position for me on Underworld Renown leaderboard on Xbox One, woo hoo!