Gold Keys - Headscratching Design Decision

I like this topic, and feel it is an area that can definitely be addressed to help ease the new player/end game player curve. I’m at a dead-end in terms of progression due, in no small part, to common troops that are many copies away from Mythic.

Gold from gold chests exceed the cost of the chest and glory from glory chests exceeds the cost of glory to purchase the chest, so these two rewards are arguably among the best rewards you can receive in my book.


I have every Common and Rare to Mythic and still open Gold chests.

I do it for Minor Traitstones, Souls, Glory and the occasional Gem.


Same here but now i keep them just in case the bunch of guys we see in show all section go out soon

Okay. This may stray off topic a bit, but here goes. So last week I opted to buy tons of keys, as to further my “starring” progression. I spent about 1 million gold in gold chest. The gold returns from that were incredibly negligible (around 30-40k). After 1 million gold, I am STILL not able to Mythic all of my troops.

Now at a rough estimate, 1M gold is about 67 50-pack pulls, or around 3350 keys. After all was said and done, maybe 30 of the troops were able to be ascended to Mythic (although, I will say I have a fairly hefty supply of traitstones). At any rate, the gold that I received was practically useless to me as it only allowed me to open MAYBE 150 more keys.

I understand the premise of gold keys being a by-product of other things, but rewarding gold for them is really baffling. There are much better ways to earn gold (i.e. maps, PvP, etc.) even for newer players. The main purpose of gold keys is to get troops and traitstones. Such is true at all levels of play.

Let’s, for argument’s sake, say that gold keys are also intended as being a way for beginners to earn gold. When you are first starting out, you are advised to contribute most of your income to leveling kingdoms. The total cost for unlocking and leveling all kingdoms to 10 is around 3,000,000 gold. Gold keys reward 200-500 gold. How can gold keys be seen even remotely as a feasible means of obtaining gold? Furthermore, I wouldn’t consider myself an end-game player just yet, but I do have a few 5-star kingdoms and all of them at level 10. I have been playing for a little over a month now, but I play quite often. I can say that through (avid) daily play, I get ~40 gold keys through miscellaneous oddities. However, a newcomer is likely (statistically) not going to be putting in the same amount time that I am. So if on average they get around 20 gold keys a day, and there is a 2 in 50 chance of them getting gold as a reward, assuming they get 500 gold every time… It would take roughly 7,500 days for them to max out all of their kingdoms using the gold obtained from gold keys alone, contingent on them never donating to their guild at all.

Now, obviously this is extremely contrived and theoretical, but the sentiment stands. The gold rewarded from gold keys is a drop in the bucket relative to the costs of other features that require it (guild tasks, level kingdoms… hell, even buying more keys) and, ultimately, an unnecessary and unwanted reward; be it for veterans or novices.

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This is the flaw in your argument. The gold rewards from gold keys are not intended to be a serious source of gold. They are there because they’re a small boost (with emphasis on small) to players who earn less gold by other means.

I never stated that it was meant to be as serious source of income. The entire scenario was hypothetical, for effect. Aside from that, the amount of gold you gain is minuscule, regardless of your level of play. Additionally, every other option for gaining gold is multiplicatively more efficient (which also happen to be EASIER than obtaining gold keys…). I realise that it is a peripheral, but, that being said, it is an irrelevant one juxtapose the cost of ANYTHING that requires gold. I feel that the gold keys would be better off with two options: the gold received is boosted (shoddy fix) or the gold is eliminated entirely from the drop pool (optimal).

Nevertheless, the odds of them changing it at this period are slim to none, so the the point is moot, but likely in vain.

They are a relic from when gold was a scarce resource for new players and fighting battles cost gold - thus making gold an essential resource that was limited for brand new players.
Once you had played a while then gold became much much easier to get.
Based on player feedback the gold cost to fight has been removed now for some time, however the gold reward in gold chests (and even more frustrating other chests) still remains.

I seriously doubt anyone buys a gold chest hoping to get the bit of extra gold - therefore an alternative to removing gold could be to replace the ‘gold’ chests with contents that provide double rewards for that chest.

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I’d love to see additional troops, or even the chance to hit 2x troops for a single slot, instead of gold. The glory rewards though, those should stay for both keys.