Gold Keys - Headscratching Design Decision

But in general I think it would be better to be a glory key (or glory) or something else rather than a small amount of extra gold (beyond the gold paid to buy the key)

If I may add some clarity here…

Most gold keys are not purchased with gold - they are won through rewards, puzzle cascades, and so forth.

Gold keys are an important source of troops for newer players - and those players are also strapped for gold. So giving them the occasional gold reward is beneficial. Because it’s not gold spent, it’s just gold rewarded.

High level players are already absolutely swimming in gold, and need gold keys only for ascending troops, and getting minor traitstones. The occasional gold reward makes nearly no difference to them.

So putting gold into the mix means that low level players are given more of the resource they need most, and the impart on high level players is minimal.


Seems fine to me now. You’ll always get more or rarer resources than what you put in, except in the case of getting gold from a glory key in a guild with low enough donations that you can’t cycle it back. Count your blessings it wasn’t another Major traitstone instead, because you’ll dead end those before anything and they can’t be cycled back.

Fair point
However - Can the gold be removed from the Glory keys?
Getting more glory from a Glory key is actually OK - either buy more chests or use for weekly rewards
However getting gold from a Glory key is not that great for new players who genearlly have limited access to Glory keys and useless for high level players as you have noted RE:gold chests


I was thinking about the gold chests this morning as well. I feel that the purpose of the gold keys is intended to assist new players in getting troops, however commons are the hardest of the rarities to advance and when they are ascended they are rarely on par with cards that begin at that rarity. Why should it take 100 common copies to advance to Mythic from legendary and not much less?

I guess in summation: Why shouldn’t ascension costs more closely mirror the power level of the card? Commons aren’t all that easy to acquire in the quantities asked for to ascend from common to mythic.

A good question! And the answer is that ascending a common to MYTHIC is a huge deal, but advancing it to Rare or UR is quite simple - even for new players.

Ascension costs are 5,10,25,50,100 copies. So you actually need 191 copies of a common card to ascend it to mythic.
But the CHANCE of pulling a common card is about 50 times the chance of pulling a legendary card! So by the time you have 6 copies of a given legendary you’ll have pulled an average of 300 copies of each common. Which means your entire collection will tend to stay at the same rarity level.

These relationships follow all the way down the rarity list - the number of copies you need closely matches the average number you’ll get.


That’s great info, that’s mr strange. However in practice it is much more difficult to get the amount of commons necessary to ascend to mythic. I am no gewd at tha maths or I might work out how much gold it would take to buy the keys necessary for a mythic common. It just makes sense to me that a newer player would benefit much more from getting mythic level commons as they build up to a good legendary team, and currently it isn’t reasonable to assume a newer player would sniff a mythic common for months into the game.

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Getting commons to mythic is an end-game goal. Common cards really should be ascended to UR or so - at that level they are very playable. Getting all the way to mythic is meant to be a struggle!

Gold income → gold keys → less gold → gold keys again is just one possible pathway.

Gold key reward → gold → leveling kingdoms is another big one. Shutting this pathway down would hurt new players.

Gold key reward → gold → guild tasks is another. Personally I don’t care that the potential gold reward is less than the cost of a key. I spend gold on guild tasks and gold keys don’t do much for me otherwise so I’m happy for any extra throughput to guild tasks.

I guess this is true assuming you open roughly the same amount of Gold and Glory chests. The thing is when in a good guild one has much more Glory keys than Gold ones - and that’s why Commons are the most difficult to ascend…
I just hope there are Gold key Guild tasks in 2.1. Or something like this :slight_smile:

As I’ve seen, the gold given is more then the the cost of a gold chest, if you receive gold from a gold chest (either from buying keys or earning them through matches/tributes) simply buy another gold chest with it.

I love how gold chests give glory cause it gives starting players a shot at a legendary that you can’t get from gold chests. With the possible glory you can win from glory chests (40) it allows you to buy 2 glory chests instead which is so much better.

I will say that I do dislike gold rewards inside of glory chests though, spending glory and winning on a average 2.5 gold chest openings is a let down as there is no chance for a legendary in that scenario.

For end gamers the glory from chests does add up though, you open on average (80-160) glory for each 50 bundle of glory keys, which is a great way to restock your supply after blowing your wad for much needed weekly traitstones (after say next week when people go to F2P trait up their Famines) off of 1k+ guild glory keys a week

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I thought the same thing, but if everyone cycles that gold back into Kingdom tasks, you’ll still likely come out on top. If you have a ton of non-contributors in your guild, this is more likely to hurt you more. If the gold is going to kingdom levels on those currently contributing less so they can be heavy contributors, this will benefit you more in the long run. Provided they stay in your guild, of course.

Nobody should ever be spending glory on glory chests and very few should spend gold on gold chests (say, very very early on before you have even got all your commons unlocked, or very very late when you are desperate to get the last one to mythic or need more minors) - these are the worst possible ways to spend these two resources. Gold is much more valuable giving kingdom levels, which in turn gets you better tribute chances, which in turn gives you free gold keys on top of the other perks, and cycling into your guild to get glory keys. Glory is much more valuable getting the weekly packs, which on top of the troop and Arcane gives you some gold and glory keys anyway which potentially get back some glory and gold, and 5000 gold in and of itself, which you can cycle back in to more glory keys or gems.

Basically, you should be getting gold keys for free (very rarely paying gold), and glory keys for rewards (PvP, treasure hunt) or for gold (guild donation), or for free (leeching). Glory chests aren’t worth 20 glory because nobody (read: informed players aware of all the options) is willing to actually pay 20 glory for them. Glory keys are worth 3k gold (~7k on average counting for gems-token-glory key cycle), and everyone in your guild gets one. If one key gives ~700 gold and even 4-5 people (10 counting the whole cycle) out of 30 give that gold back, you are already at break even. Anything more, everyone gains. Anyone lower gets to work on boosting their kingdom levels instead. In a guild with a full 30 contributors that only does the gem/key/token cycle, the average cost per person per glory key is actually less than that of a gold key. Getting the gold gives you the option of actually cycling back into gold chests instead once you have exceeded your donation goal, since by this point, commons will be the last thing you ascend to mythic.

tl;dr - Glory from either chest is useful at all levels. Gold from glory chests is useful at all levels and in the long term unless your guild is stagnant.

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Guilds and Gold keys are a terrible mix. I’ve thought so for months.

If you’re in a guild - particularly a high-ranking one, or even just a medium or maybe even a small guild - then you’re generally getting two things in abundance: Glory Keys and Gems (= Gem / Event / VIP Keys).

So we have tons of Glory Keys and our choice of the other ones. But as for our gold it is much more appealing, and encouraged, to spend it on the guild. It gets all those things and its much more efficient due to everyone getting it.

I feel STUPID when I have to buy Gold Keys. New Common? Takes 3 million gold to ascend. The other copies of all those other Commons and Rares? Worthless. Or souls I guess, but otherwise worthless. That one type of minor traitstone I keep running out of (you guessed it, its Red like everyone else) might be nice to get some of, but the other ones I have a thousand of, also fairly annoying.

If I alternate tasks between Gems, Glory Keys, and Leadership (7 tokens for 11k) and its all evenly distributed (which I don’t think is the case), then my 3 million gold ends up being 350 Gems and 420 Glory Keys MULTIPLIED BY 30. Hypothetically, if my whole guild drops another 3 million into the guild instead of ascending the one new Common, then we each get more than 10k of each.

Now I know those numbers are based on a number of assumptions (for instance, we already have gold keys so we don’t need the whole 3 million) but it still adds up.

Alleviated further by there being more Commons being introduced … but it still adds up.

As for Gold Keys giving gold, I would lean on Mr.Strange’s explanation, because I know I definitely don’t notice.


Yeah I always feel bad whenever I buy Gold Keys, literally the only time I do it now is to stock up on minor traitstones because I hate farming challenges for them. Horribly inefficient though.

I open tons of gold chests every day. I just like the additional glory, souls and traitstones they give.

I couldn’t agree more, 3 million for a common that will probably never see play stinks. It just seems to me counter-intuitive to make the end game goal ascending Commons which outside of a few are terribad. I enjoy trying out the various under used troops, that goes double for commons, but the investment necessary is ludicrous.

Spending a lot of money for something you don’t want DOES seem like a poor use of resources.


touche :slight_smile:

10 characters… gah

Well, with 8 troops in a kingdom you usually DO want it (provided you’ll unlock all the traits). Just not to use in a battle…