Gems of War Anniversary & Broken Spire Rework

90 battles to find 10 crashers.


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That’s really bad luck. It took me 30 battles.

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Weaker than Dragonguard class (+1 Life/Magic, all Dragons), Emperinazara (+2 Life/Magic, all Allies), and the six tribe Guild Guardians (+4 all stats, all matching troops) for also matching 4+ gems.

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We only got to learn in Sword’s Edge Questline the reason of Knight Coronet’s betrayal: they were corrupted by the Shadow Dragon.

As for the queen, this plot point was mentioned again by Luther a few more times, but not much info beside the fact that she was healed completely.

Also, Luther mentioned he had a brother. Do we ever get to know him?

It really is a lot better! I read the old questline right before I play the update version. Story is mostly the same, but hero stop being stupid and take a lot of Luther’s dialogue instead. Lol.

My favorite new troop added was Haunted Guardian as the ghost of Luther’s fallen men!


The issue there is that the Burning Gems could just as easily, or probably more likely, not match with anything and be left for the opponent to set you on fire instead ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I bought the kingdom pass upgrade the first two times around (when it was for new kingdoms). By the end of each one I was finding the daily grind of battle crasher searching to be fairly tedious. This time I think I’ll basically just ignore the event and spare myself the hassle.


Like jumbling the board without getting an Extra Turn?

There was one time (during a Faction Delve) The Maraji Queen spellcast but didn’t create any new matches, then I match just ONE set of doomskulls and a skull cascade just wombo-comboes the entire enemy team.

Fun times if you can get it…

@Kafka @Jeto @OminousGMan can you please answer the question from @Fourdottwoone about weapon The Molten Ward?
Is this weapon really free to craft in the soulforge (in the future) or will be Broken Spire get a second paywalled weapon?


@Kafka Ettin is still Generator, not Warmaster
and Stone Giant hopefully boost now of gems destroyed, not removed, at least please change the spell text


For those who might be on the fence about buying this Kingdom Pass, let me help you out:

Fire Beetle, epic troop, is garbage.
Minfernus, pet, is a duplicate.
Flame Rhynax, ultra-rare troop, is garbage.
Slashing Embers, legendary weapon, is garbage.
Ace of Wands, legendary troop, like all the other ‘draw the’ troops, is garbage.
Pyrophemus, legendary troop, is garbage.

There you go, saved you $8!


To late! :sweat_smile:

@Kafka already weekend in Australia and we still don’t have an answer…what is your problem?
what is about the weapon?

@Kafka still no change to Ettin and Stone Giant!

Happy Birthday :birthday: and thank you for the information! :grinning:

And even then it doesn’t get fixed and they give us peanuts as some form of compensation.

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almost two weeks and you are not able to change this?
the incompetence of the dev team reached another level

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@Fourdottwoone did you get an answer yet about The Molten Ward?
or maybe about why this weapon has barrier in spell and affix?

@canadademon let’s not miss the last part this time!
:sweat_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :vulcan_salute:

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What last part? The inexpensive $80 mythic pet?:laughing::kissing_heart:


Happy anniversary ^^ Are you planning to rework other kingdoms?