(Fixed) TINA-9000 Ability bug

They released Tina without testing prior.
Fixed an issue she had a week later.
Told us to wait to see the fix.
They released the “fix” six weeks later.
Heard the community say it wasn’t fixed within a hour.
Found the new bug 48 hours later.

If that was my doctor… I’d get a new one by now. Good thing I always spend money on the game right before the patch hits.

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Tina is actually fixed now. Restart your game to get the fix.


There once was a mech named Tina
Built by a sloppy designer
Her targeting skewed
Until tripple-glued
Now she works a little finer

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Hi Kafka
Has the targeting issue for Infernus also has been rectified?

Limited use admittedly thus far. But I haven’t saw it target the first troop… At all.

Wow, TINA is actually fixed! Still capable of piling on shots to the same target more than once randomly (though it happens far less often, from what I’ve seen) but, so far (at least 30 battles), always gets her three shots if there are any targets left. I am surprised and pleased by this outcome.

But then…

Took me almost half an hour before I finally got her to hit the first troop with the first cast of her spell, but I’ve seen her do it on first cast a couple times now. Further testing is required to determine if there is some bias, though, because it seems to not target the first slot way more than the ~42% chance it should have of not targeting the first slot with any of the three shots if all three shots are truly random (a 58% chance for at least one shot to hit first slot per cast, more if any shot kills).

As an aside, TINA actually works really well almost never hitting the first slot with her spell. Lethals the tricky to hit slots more often, sets up for Weaver more often if you want to use that, and any remaining first slot troop is generally pretty easily cleaned up by a single skull from a post-cast TINA, even if they have full life and armor, and you have a better idea of where her damage is going to land, which makes her more consistent. If someone else wants to grind out and record the however many hundred samples needed for this to be taken seriously, go right ahead. But I probably won’t. Maybe.


I have tested in about 10 battles in PvP and Explore, and had only one situation where the targeting was questionable (I would have had to go back and look at footage from the match to figure out what happened there though, I think it got a low roll and hit a troop twice).

But when there’s an obvious outcome (all remaining troops are weak) it always pulls through now.

And I must say, when she isn’t getting nuked by Rope Dart, TINA-9000 feels

incredibly satisfying to use.


@Kafka @Cyrup

I don’t believe TINA is fully fixed.

I’ve been able to reproduce this several times in delves today (specific delve: Crypt Keepers) with 100% success rates.

If TINA’s first two shots each eliminate two separate targets on the opposing team, then TINA will not fire off a third shot.

Are you sure 1 of the 2 didnt needed 2 hits to die?

Cuz i used her quite a lot today and she didnt wasted a single hit, sure she can hit the same one 3 times too but all 3 hits do damage (happened on a high hp hero on which each hit did min damage or almost).

That’s a good point.

Perhaps I seeing a visual issue, where TINA is attacking and if it attacks the same target twice in the same turn and reports the damage as a single attack?

I slowed down the game to 1x speed during TINA’s attacks to see if I witness this. Didn’t solve the issue. Oddly, I’ve seen where TINA’s first attack doesn’t kill a unit, the second attack hits and kills the same unit, then the third attack fires off as expected on another unit.

Going to try restarting again after the current delve is complete and see if that solves anything.

Cant use her in delve seen got all of them at 500 but used her to finish the event on explore and she always killed 3 targets (when there was at least 3 alive ofc, sometimes some died before she was full, used MC, Apo, Tina and Tpk so explosions/skulls from above can kill stuff).

Multihits was on pvp, but even there as said all today she worked prefectly for me.

Another delve run didn’t address the problem, so I tried another game mode. Did some Explores, and the issue occured.

I wonder if my TINAs are using the old incorrect behavior? But, that shouldn’t be possible at this point, right?

Used her in 50 explores, so it would be rare she did’nt one hit one kill an enemy troop. She fired 3 times every time. However, she targeted the first troop (when 4 available) only once.


Whats about infernus, will he be fixed?

Providing an update… my TINA appears to have corrected itself and is now behaving as expected, outside of the odd targeting behaviors everyone else is reporting.

The RNG in GoW not actually being evenly random?
That never happens…