Feeling Ripped Off :( *sarcasm* bc people take things way too serious

I was joking too because rng does not hate me too much.

Oh well maybe if you had put sarcasm in the title of this topic people would have known

Or maybe Pasa should have some sort of ā€œKnown Trollā€ badge.


The new title made me laugh. :slight_smile:

Dude, if your hobby is burning money at least donā€™t moan about it in public. Try to make some sense. If you really wanted to start a good topic on bad luck learn from Zelfore how to make it fun or ask language advice from Jainus.

Orrrrrr I can post whatever the hell i want because this is a Forum. So once again i will politely ask you to get the heck** off this post with your negativity.

Please do not swear in this board. Kids and religious people are playing this game.


This was interesting to read.

@Mr.Strange are there different drop rates for Troops, specifically Legendaries?

edited it sorry

Could you remove all swear words?

yes this post has now been made safe for kids of all ages

Seems to me that the Forum settings should censor swears if they find it that offensive.

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on PC there is.

I am very sure an admin said that it was equally drop rates for all Legendaries in the 1.0.8 version, not sure about 1.0.9 or the console versions, tho.


I thought the drop rates might be a little different as well, I went the longest time missing just 4 Legendaries.

Then the day before the Console Update I used all my Magic Keys and pulled 2 of them (Moloch/Crimson Bat), and the day the Update launched I opened all my Glory/Gem keys (from the conversion) and got the other 2 (The Silent One/Abhorath)!

Now Iā€™m waiting on new Troops, since I have them all nowā€¦

Well done! :slight_smile: Console went from 1.0.7 to 1.0.85. If I remember correctly(cant say 100%) in the 1.0.7 version the drop rate of each Legendary was differently, some was harder to pull(Bat and Sheggra two of those). Now in the newer versions(at least for PC) 1.0.8-1.0.9 for PC it has been changed so each Legendaries has the same pull rate. I think its the same for consoles new version 1.0.85.

But yeah, you were still very lucky getting the ones you didnt had yet and that in a blink of an eye. :slight_smile: That must have been a superb feeling!


It was equal parts amazement and disbelief. Literally pulled the 4 I was missing in the span of 6 Legendaries. My next one after that was even an Abhorath copy!

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Abhorath is a beast in the currently version. Getting him to mythic is like a dream come true, so keep them coming, hopefully. :slight_smile:

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@studs, thatā€™s unfair and also a little against the rules, letā€™s not call people outā€¦ tempting as it isā€¦


The devs have stated that all troops of a given rarity have an equal drop rate.

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