Endgamers after 3.3 (Goals and Resource Management)

I’m not familiar with this term. What does it mean?

It means content which has no practical use in the game.

I’m pretty much following what many of the other end-gamers are doing:

  1. Mythic Hunting - I open Gem Keys first, then Glory Keys if I have an abundance (or UR I want to ascend whilst hunting), then VIP Keys. I’m still hoarding my Guild Seals in anticipation of a new crop of Guild War troops entering the rotation. This is the only time I open Gem, Glory and VIP Keys.
  2. Event Legendary - I will only open enough 50 packs to get the 1-2 copies of the new Legendary, I completely abandoned trying to Mythic them. If the Legend looks mediocre I may skip it entirely and simply wait for crafting or randomly finding it during a Mythic Hunt. I’ll also think long and hard about using Event Keys if there’s three (or more) Legends in that Kingdom drop pool, I still have nightmares about spending 700 Event Keys to find Tesla!
  3. New Kingdom - now that it appears new Kingdoms are being released with two Legendaries I’m starting to use just enough Event Keys to get at least one copy of every new troop. Trying to mythic the two Legends can be mighty expensive now.
  4. Raid/Invasion - I tell myself to only buy up to Tier III but I’ve been buying Tier IV to get the special troop to Legendary. I’ll probably abandon this practice if it gets too expensive or my Guild continues to hit all the rewards.
    Bounty - unfortunately I missed the first one so I don’t have a clue how much to spend on it.
  5. Dungeon - now that I have a reasonable stash of Diamonds I’m only buying the Sunday Gem Pack.

You can shift your priority depending of your situation regarding the acquisition of new Mythics. If you miss a new one then you might consider saving some gems to not miss the next one as you would, maybe/probably, lack gems. But make sure to communicate with your guild, specially if someone would miss out the events for one reason or another.

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This is going to be a moving target. The first one had “discounted” reward levels due to all of the troops being new, so that will change on the next one and we’ll have to deal with the full-cost reward levels. To offset that, we’ll have more and higher-rarity bounty hunter troops available that we can build teams with, so that should allow for easier matches and higher scores.

This is the one mode that I think they really got right, in that the player has a lot of flexibility to choose how much emphasis to put on score multipliers, mixing in non-bounty troops and also choosing the difficulty level of the battles. Everyone can find their own way.


Coming late to the party but I’m at a point trying to determine what to do…

I have 12 troops I am missing. Most are Mythic (I have been in an Anti-Mythic…for a very long time. LOTS of Legendaries I don’t need but 0 on the Mythic front)

I did make a few in the Forge (Famine for example, Infernus and Elemaugrim (BEST SPENT)

I do farm for traits - but most of my time now is just supporting the guild by Gold/Seals/Trophies.

I’ve even stopped Mythic diving on Mythic week…because it’s just always the same - 0

It seems like such a waste of two+ years to be stalled at trying to at least get 1 of every card.

(Oh btw, I am starting to get Arcane bloat - 3 of them I don’t need any at all and are like at the 30s.

I wish they would introduce the ability to make arcanes WITHOUT celestial stones.

I think if your goal is a complete collection then opening chests only during new Mythic weeks is still your best bet even if you don’t always pull one. Maybe if a crappy Mythic comes along resist the temptation and let it pass so you have 2 months resources to try for the next one.

You should be able to forge a Mythic every 2 months so if you can pull at least half the time the new released Mythics you will eventually catch them all. Leaving the more useless ones to last of course.

Basically everything the others said PLUS a few more things.

There’re a few kingdoms upcoming that will get 9 stars. Usually I only buy tier 3 to get the new weapon, but sometimes not ascending a new troop to Leg or Myth will leave you with 2-4 kingdom power short.

For example, 2 troops in my Sword’s Edge are Legendary. That means I can only afford to miss 3 levels with the new UR and Epic. Either I spend 4800 Glory on UR and leave Epic troop as it is OR buy an additional tier and get the Epic to Legendary which allows me to spend only 1800 Glory on UR. Now that I think of it, the first option is better.

Good thing that the most kingdoms that will be 9 stars soon will get UR or Epic troops available for Glory, namely Sword’s Edge (30.04), Whitehelm (07.05), Mist of Scales (04.06), D.Sands (02.07).

Pan’s Vale, however, presents a Rare, which will be harder to ascend. I fear I’ll have to buy additional Tiers in Invade/Raid shop to get 9 stars on the first day of the event.

Previously I only had been buying 1 copy of the new troop. Now that I miss 4 points to Prideland’s 9 stars, I wish I had bought more Spiritmane copies.

EDIT: Only buy Sunday Dungeon gem offers. If my gem stash exceeds 12k, I’ll start buying daily 50 gems offers again.

EDIT2: This is why I will definitely chase Undine, Wild Queen, Suma even though they’re not that strong (don’t know about Suma). They are that last crucial 17th troop you need.


True. That might be a good thing. I will keep that in mind.

I just finished traiting everything that could get traited and now it will be a real slow path.

I’m on X1 and I guess I am pretty normal. I’m still missing about a dozen mythics plus Mr. Sparklesack, but he doesn’t add to kingdom bonuses so I’m not concerned.

I cash in keys only on new troop/kingdom releases.

  1. Mythics - I start with glory keys. I save about 100 in case I get a task to use them. Then I move to gem keys. I haven’t had to in while, but I then move to guild seals once my guild maxes them out.

  2. Event Legendary- I open the 30-100 keys to get one copy. I do not chase mythics with event keys.

  3. New Kingdom - I open enough event keys to get 1 of each legendary. I then move to gold keys to get enough ascensions to max the kingdom stars (which sometimes requires using more event keys).

  4. Raid/invasion/ Bounty- I’ve been buying higher levels than anyone else is admitting to–I buy up to tier 6 to get the troop to mythic. I sometimes buy level 7 to make sure my guild maxes rewards.

  5. Dungeon - I mostly only buy Sunday packs now. I try to keep at least 1000 of each gem on hand and buy dailies for that even though that there are few if any troops I’d use summoning stones on anymore.

For the most part this keeps me edging closer to a full set except when they release troops straight to chests like Sol’zara, Shocktopus, et al.

He was right 50.34%


Actually, Xathenos is quite fun in the right deck. For example: Giant Spider, Xathenos, Queen Aurora, Queen Aurora, Unicorn banner. Purple fills rather fast, and Xathenos can pretty much fire at will.

No Queen Aurora? Try Asha, Psion, or other troops with Magic Link.

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