Endgamers after 3.3 (Goals and Resource Management)

I did this a couple times when I was still low level and had just hit VIP 5. One time I only had enough Gems to open two VIP chests and I went for it…and got Pharos in the 2nd chest. :grin:

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Interesting… That behavior usually stops after a serious round or two of bad luck chasing a new Mythic. I can’t even rember the last time I opened a VIP Chest… Probably over a year ago.

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You just go straight to buying gem chests after you’ve exhausted your glory/gem/guild chests? (I think I’ll finally tick into VIP 5 before the May mythic release, so just curious).

I’ve had the same horrendous luck with VIP keys.

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  • complete all guild tasks (I forget how many that is - 350ish?)
  • 10-15 tributes daily so low end probably 50-60 per day, high end 120-150 per day (I’m probably way on the higher end of that with as many kingdoms as I have at 6-8 stars)
  • complete all weekly event rewards for 50-120 per week
  • misc gems from opening gold/glory chests
  • misc gems from PvP def victories
  • 125 from GW B3, whatever number from raid & invade individual/guild rewards

It’s really not that tough to amass gems. There are lots of ways to acquire small amounts of them here & there, probably some I didn’t even mention. The big ones are finishing guild tasks & collecting a pile of tributes daily. Obviously console & steam players have a tougher time hitting that many tributes.


Wish I could take that many on xbox.

@Stan No, sorry about the confusion. I’m not opposed to the VIP Chest, and I think I have had “normal” luck with my pulls. I don’t chose to ‘convert’ Gems to Gem Keys, I go directly to the VIP Chest if I fail with my actual Keys (it’s been awhile, but it’s always a possibility).

My comment was more about that I just don’t go around opening a batch of VIP Chests at 2,250 Gems because it’s Tuesday morning and I’m feisty. In addition, to save more Gems I’ll also use Glory to buy Event Keys (as opposed to ‘converting’ Gems).

So like others have stated: I consider my “Stash” of Gems as primarily a VIP Chest backup plan.


The only Mythic I got from a VIP chest, and I think it was my first one ever, was Plague. Everything else came from guild/gem chests. VIP chests are largely worthless but every once in a while 2k gold and a traitstone is worth 50 gems which would otherwise go to waste since I never do the events and already have my armor.

EDIT: That’s not to say I have a lot of gems as not doing the events is a fairly new development. And the hunt is still on to get my guild the most gold possible for the legendary task so I always have something to do. I mostly open chests outside of new Mythic week when I’m bored and randomly just click on one, and only open one at a time up to 3 times.

My general approach, with the disclaimer that I have all troops except for 4 Mythics (not counting ZG):

  • Buy the Daily Dungeon 50-Gem pack: build up so I can craft the missing troops when they pop up in the forge.

  • Don’t spend any keys on non-New Mythic weeks unless there’s a new legendary (then cash in Event Keys) or new kingdom (spend Gem Keys and below)

  • on new Mythic weeks, burn through my stash of accumulated Gem / Glory Keys (no VIP chests here)

  • if a kingdom week comes up where I don’t have the Mythic (just Darkstone right now unless they do an Apocalypse event), burn my glory for Event Keys until it’s gone.

If I don’t get the new or missing weekly-kingdom Mythic without dipping into Gems, I don’t worry about it. When it shows up in the Forge I’ll be able to craft it.

The key here is buying the daily 50-Gem pack in the Dungeon. My gems don’t go anywhere else (aside from invasion / raid troops).

In chasing mythics, i use the following system when a new mythic is launched

  1. All glory keys
  2. All gem keys
  3. 0 VIP keys if it is terrible based on reviews (e.g. Gargantaur);
    50 VIP keys if it is avg (Yasmine’s Chosen)
    100 VIP if it is good (e.g. Worldbreaker)
  4. Use Soulforge to craft any missing mythics which show up as being used in in PVP attack / defence decks

This system has allowed me to coral all the dead content mythics into the unowned pile. As a non-completion end game player, I see no reason to spend any resources on these dead content mythics.

My new strategy is to not mythic anything except when zuul’goth is within my grasp in a year or 2 and then get a perfect collection after that with a big hoard. I just want to get 1 of every card and max out new cities in the meantime but not to bother getting them mythic in spite of my 6k useless diamonds my 170k glory and my 20k gems which has yet to go up since 3.3 constant attempts to get me to spend. I do enjoy invasion and GW but raid boss is too stressful.

If they ever nerf tribute I will quit the next day.

Shut you mouth!

Never say nerf and tribute in same sentence again.


One question - why only do the dungeon on diamond day? I’m not sure why high level players wouldn’t want the gemstones for the other days…

Not “do”. But buy the “offer” for Gems only Sunday, yes you do them every day. However If you are on PS console, they never bothered to monetized it for real money, so you should buy both offers with Gems not real money.

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I don’t see any benefit in gathering extra gemstones. I don’t need troops from summoning stones and have more than enough Celestials for my purposes that crafting another Celestial per week won’t really help me. Spending 300 gems a week to get an extra 600 colored gemstones and 120 diamonds doesn’t move the dial for me.

Edit: oh, now that I re-read the question. Yes, @Strat is right. Do the dungeons every day and definitely buy the offer pack on Sunday, but then the choice of whether to buy the offer packs on the other days is a question of whether shortening the mythic crafting cycle by a week is worth the 300 gems a week it would cost you.

If you really don’t need more celestails, then I suppose that answers that. I figured having the stones on-hand was a good insurance against future needs. Like, if they introduce a new weapon that requires 1000 purple gemstones and you haven’t been collecting them…


@Mr.Strange Exactly, people see it as a waste but like you said if new weapon come out you will be ready to craft it without farming them and it’s only 50 gems, if you collect often your tribute it shoudn’t be a problem

I was happy to get lot of colored jewels when some troop were released in the summon stone section, i could get gnome and the community troop to mythic, if i waited for the vault it could take eternity


I had NO IDEA that there were “offers” in the dungeon screen. Both for money and for gems.
This information is important!


Oh that explain your question then :slight_smile:
Im only buying the gems, never money

When I was going for my vip 5, it took me nearly 3 months to get it. The soulforge had not come out; after the deathknight armor, I was buying only the weekly gem subscription. If I could do over, I would have bought the weekly diamond offer and cut the time in half.

I currently only buy the Sunday diamond offer for gems. I initially bought some daily packs for gems but that was more to smoothen out the jewel distribuition after crafting the Dawnbringer and Xathanos components. With the benefit of hindsight I should have held off crafting the Xathanos compnents as he is clearly a dead content mythic.