Emperor Khorvash Versus... (Troop Name Here)

My current favorite combination is EK and Bat on the same team. Unless the defense gets really, really lucky, e erything goes down in a hurry.

Btw, @Velkyn, I like your analysis a lot.

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On Console I’ve been using;

Emperor Khorvash

Been outperforming anything with Queen Mab or Mercy in it.

my go to team right now is


Sooth absorbs any and all unwelcomed tick damage and early I just use him to fill and boost team. When bat does 20+ damage, I start unleash him. I keep khorvash in waiting until either of first two spots fill and hammer them draining to keep them on lock down. Valk keeps souls coming in and makes sure Emp and/or Bat are always where they need to be. It works. Takes me to 1 each week with little effort… but in this build, Bat is the main source of the damage, Khor just plays control and clean up. Bat is doing all the heavy lifting for sure.

My team is
Amira snipes out death or enemy EK in a single hit which is wonderful :slight_smile: (For those wondering why amira)

On the before topic mana shield could prevent mana drain, while impervious shouldn’t be preventing mana drain or devour.

uhh khorvash meta still too strong…
i just caught myself 3rd time today that when seeing that coronet gets full mana i am thinking ‘uhh it gonna drain my mana again :disappointed:’
the relief when it hits and the mana stays… :joy:

I have a beef team for fighting Khorvash. Works pretty good because of high life (to absorb true damage) and multiple AOE troops. He’s mostly just annoying at this point - he’s the new Manticore.

I will try that team out but

Emperor Khorvash
Crimson Bat

has been VERY good to me, I would actually be surprised if this team beats it out in speed/efficiency, but definitely plan to give it a shot.

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I use that team if Rowanne can’t get hit, otherwise I swap SH for Queen Mab and/or Rowanne for Mercy depending on the opponent lineup

Shame Bats traits are gick. Team works splendid without them though

Bloodsucking is good, but nobody puts Bat in front of Valkyrie.

Yeah, mana blocking Valk isn’t sensible.

Thats why I said its gick. Also, its skull damage.

thats a very classic team


That’s why Bloodsucking exists, for teams with 2 Bats. You can block Valkyrie’s Reds if you can make up for it on the Yellows.

Crimson Bat
Crimson Bat
Holy Banner

This is still a highly effective and quick team.

I wouldn’t be concentrating on skull damage in a double bat team. Bloodsucking wouldnt serve any purpose for me there.

Id rather khorvash and untraited bats.

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Nobody does, but the Skulls drop with the Blue spam.

Also 2 Bats and EK together is a lot of Blue to fill, you rarely get all 3 charged at the same time.

Overall, both teams work about equally as well, so it’s a matter of personal preference and/or your opponent

when i go bat - i go bat valk bat mercy
but thats only since my bat gets 18-20(mercy bless) dmg at the beginning of game, earlier sooth was indeed better

I wouldnt use the three of them. But if it was a choice of soothsayer + 2 bats (and it depending upon soothsayer dieing) or khorv + 2 untraited bats I would pick the latter.

i find
EK +bat

more safe but also slightly slower in comparison to:
bat + bat

while the:
EK + EK i find even more slow

the choice between sooth and mercy depends on the personal preference and stats i suppose

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Yep, for blazing through PVP, I’ve settled on EK / Valk / Bat / Mercy.

EK / EK and Bat / Bat work but not as good as the two of them together, at least not for me.