Emperor Khorvash Versus... (Troop Name Here)

I’m also pretty much completely ignoring Khorvash’s stun and mana drain to two enemies.

The reason Bat was used as a comparison tool was purely for it’s damage. It also kind of highlights just how much value you get for a cast of Khorvash. I’m also trying not to talk about specific compositions and such either, because that’s well outside the realm of how much I’m interested in doing this. I was kind of trying to give Bat a little bit “more worth” rather than just calling Khorvash a better legendary in… well. Most aspects.

I agree that Suppression can be more useful than EK’s Stun. Like I said, depends on what you’re running and what you’re dealing with.

Personal opinion, and not factual at all: Using Moloch’s trait like that feels like it would just… take too long. I’d rather just roll through with Khorvash than take the time to make their team ineffective via chipping away at their skills (And hoping I hit what I want to).

And like I said above. I like Khorvash. He’s an incredibly well rounded legendary that provides a lot of utility, and I’d rather see other legendaries be buffed or legendaries created that are on his tier versus him getting nerfed. It’s more about just how much value you’re getting out of Khorvash versus other troops.

…And yep. More walls o’ text to come. Because… well. That’s what I’m doing with this thread. :sweat_smile: Sorry!