Emperinas 1st and 3rd trait

As you mentionned, Emperina is not the only one having bad traits.
Some common have OP traits, and some Legendaries have very dull traits, like why should Shadow Dargon have the “Venomous” as 3rd trait when his spell is poisonning every ennemies pointless?

I thought traits would be a good way to balance troops, but it clearly hasn’t gone that way in my opinion.

Besides, one hand some units have a clever synergy between their mana needs / types / spells and their traits, and some have absolutely none…

For example, good synergy :

  • Rowanne has Reinforced when she scales with armor
  • Valkyrie has Water Link and she creates water gems

Bad synergy :

  • Reaver has fire spirit while his spell removes all fire gems
  • Drake Rider has Dragon bond while not being a dragon

Makes me thinking this could have its place in here Awards - Krystara Honors - Brain Storming - #25 by yonizaf

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