Dungeon Feedback

With another month and about 1/3rd of “next year” gone, is there any progress achieved or is it just another ostrich sandbox for our excellent team?
I, personally, don’t need targetable gem dragons - as you are very well aware -, but would surely appreciate if other players were not left at the mercy of random.


Yeah. I just got the dubious achievement of my 4th copy of a specific Gem Dragon … in six eggs. Yeah, literally 2/3s of my crafts so far have been Amethialas. If I’m doing the math right…

streak of 4 same dragons = (6 * 1^3) / 6^4
from six eggs crafted = nCr (6,4) = 20
Overall incidence = 20 / 6^3 or about 9% probability

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As the original poster @OminousGMan seems to have abandoned the forums altogether for quite some time, perhaps somebody else (like, for example, @Bramble or @Jeto, or @Kafka) is courageous enough to pick up the baton and, mayhap, provide waiting community with some kind of follow-up?
There are threads like

popping up once in a while, so people are still interested in this particular topic.

Unfortunately, one always runs the risk of having to ban oneself on dev-bashing grounds if it turns out that all was just wishful thinking and no actual work has been done (like the still ongoing testing for improved daily deals which, let me remind, was officially announced in patch notes, never actually released and all attempts to touch the topic have resulted in “talk-to-the-hand” from the powers in charge).

By the way, a hint was given in original post that dungeon doors should be truly random now…how non-tampered does this look?

Perhaps, I’ll go to 365 days in order to make a full year and then switch to a different combination (always doing 123456 for now).


nice data.

keep in mind that the qualities you’re hoping for not neccessarily are the strong suits of any of the people you tagged in your posting. picking up the baton sounds like work. but you can count on the running (away) part.


I Feel You Mate. I Made A Thread (That Was Shut Down For Being To Spicy) Directly Questioning The RNG For The Dragons.

My Lastest Count, After Making A Sarcastic Quip About Finally Getting A Topasarth, Is

Topasarth ×4
Sapphirax ×3
Garnetaerlin ×3
Emeraldrin ×1
Amethialas ×4.

So 15 Eggs, Duplicates 90% Of The Time. However, Not Nearly The Rip That Crafting The 3 Rings You Need To Make Diamantina Is. (3K Dragonite.)

I Too, Am Frustrated With This Nonsense. Even MHW/IB Has A Better RNG Rate Than This.

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67% of the time, technically. (5 unique dragons across 15 eggs = 10 dupes across 15 eggs = 10/15 = 66.66…%) Regardless, after 15 eggs a set of only 5 different dragons is actually quite common (at about 32%).

If you know which dates you crafted particular dragons, I can log that too. Because then I can compile data like this:


The lower table is how many eggs (on average) it takes us users to get a specific number of dragons in the set. According to everyone who posts, it’s taken longer than average to get a new dragon (except for the full set, which is currently faster than average).

To think this was posted in Sept of 2022. They really needed a full year just to give a way to target specific Gem Dragons.

Are they going to drag this until December?

We’ve heard nothing beyond this since last year. :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl:


Do you think they will do something about that? They are finding other ways to give dragonite like underspire and new stage rewards, it shows a will of keeping the things as they are.

Like most things it will only be implemented once most of the player base has already received the reward. Similar to adding power orbs to the major chaos orb drop pool.

Will they? I’m not really confident. If no one brings it up again, they’ll casually forget to do anything about it. See: every other bug this year.

Should they? … In a non-dysfunctional company, yeah, they should since they said they would. Distinctly promising something, going radio silent, then going teehee sorry, nevermind when the duration of the promise nears its deadline is the worst possible way to handle it. At least cancel it early before dragging people’s expectations for the entire year.

Coincidentally, 30 dragonite a week from Stage 15 and 100 dragonite with a lantern from completing the Underspire doesn’t really amount to much for the general audience who might not be in a position to get any of that.


This is from September 2022. Any news regarding the topic @OminousGMan @Bramble @Kafka @Jeto?

To this day I opened 20 eggs!

  • 10x boss dragons:
    -3x purple
    -1x blue
    -1x green
    -1x red
    -1x yellow
    -1x brown
    -2x Diamantina
    -3x weapons

  • 10x cosmic dragons:
    -4x blue
    -4x yellow
    -1x brown
    -1x green
    -0x red
    -0x purple
    -0x Stellarix
    -0x weapons

At this point it’s either not spending any more Dragonite or opening the old eggs until I get my 4th purple there, maybe get 2x more Diamantina’s as well, before I’ll open another cosmic egg.

Please tell us, if targeting is still planned?!


I was lucky and completed my first set with 13 eggs. As of now, I’m 28 eggs deep into the cosmic dragons. I’m pretty cranky about it at this point.


I want to remove dust from this thread, just to remind to all players that devs don’t care at all about our opinions, they ignored all our feedbacks about dungeons, don’t lose time with guild wars, they won’t even read your comments


Im tempted to just hoard dragonite because dupe dragons is just such a scummy and intentional practice by them to gate stellarix. I didnt find this forum until this week. Theyve gone a year radio silent on thr dupe dragons


Not whining here but I went about a year with only getting around 10 wins. I know some will have very bad luck and others very good luck. Maybe this is average. Maybe this is bad luck for me. I started playing a couple years ago and wanted to support the game. Bought a few things. Stopped for a campaign, I didn’t see the value. Then my dungeon bad luck spree happened. Haven’t spent a dime since. I’m not a big spender but probably lost a few hundred bucks from me just wanting to support a fun game. Odds with Dragonite is just too frustrating.

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