Dungeon Feedback

I do normal games.

Slowing down is meant for Paloozas, and (unless you wait for 15 minute timer to run out completely) it only works if you play on high enough explore level so that not to activate easy-enemy-penalty even if you drag out the battle long enough for timewise full rewards.


Your rewards get scaled down during GaP based on how fast you complete your fights and how much higher your team score is compared to the opponent team score. Feel free to read this thread for more details.

24 Dragons, still no Topasarth, the stupidity continues…


Me too, I’m still waiting for the Brown one. Have you tried waiting until Yellow day to cash in your egg? My guild members seem to think it’s something to do.

At least you have dragons.

I still haven’t gotten enough for 1 dragon

I am buying the 60 dragonite for 300 gems daily, I’m certainly not getting that shit for free.


Unfortunately this is the only reliable way to do it. Is it worth doing? Well, let’s see…
A Perfect Run is worth 82-120 Dragonite but statistically only has a 10% chance of occurring, so that’s an average daily payout of 8-12. Meaning the 60 Dragonite offer is, on average, equivalent to 8-5 runs (days) attempting the Boss Dungeon. If you compare the daily (50 Gem) crafting offer, over the same number of days that adds to 400-250 Gems, so yes the Dragonite offer is actually not “not worth” it. (And between random Adventure Board tasks, the daily kill quota, Guild Tasks and other free sources I can actually afford spending 50 Gems a day already)

This is why I’d love to collect data for each dragons as they are crafted, because it’s the only way to actually test it. For example, Kafka crafted a batch of 17 eggs and got 7 Amethialas out of it, twice the expected value which might not be unreasonable but definitely looks conspicuous.

Oh, and could you screenshot your collection page (filtered by type “Boss” + search “Dragon”) ? Always interested in seeing more data points.

Screenshot 2023-02-06 at 10.06.43 AM
I’m not sure whether I’ve gotten more than 4 of any of these; I disenchant all troops as I go and I wasn’t keeping a record.

Yeah, I was afraid of that, it kind of muddies up the data. I can only say so far for sure that you’ve crafted at least 20 Dragons.

and one ring (weapon) :wink:

I feel it’s pretty safe to say that next year has arrived and that gives a good reason to inquire - has there been any progress on above mentioned alternative means for players to target specific Gem Dragons? Any news at all?

On a different note, with 20k gnome eligible non-vault-weekend games reached, this is how Dragonite Gnomes look…


Does that really say.

Youve had 8 dragonite gnomes in 20k battles.

Thats shocking percentage.

Another beautiful day in the Dungeon :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I should know better than to start a session with this – not that there’s really ever a good time for undeserved punishment. I guess I just got used to it over the years – hard habit to break…


When will they enable us to target a specific dragon boss? I thought they said next year; well, we are already in next year, and three months have passed and nothing. I hope they do what they promised.
It is depressing.


Not as bad as finding 2 bosses first then 3rd hit a trap

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We’d sooner see a dead horse pulling a cart than…could you, dear CX persons (all four of you), pool together all of your resources and get some status update? It’s been about six months since the original post (and even more since the first day players been saying that dragon egg system is frustrating, unsmart) it is next year and next year is ticking on…just because one player out of 93 is okay with buying dragonite up to the point of bankruptcy and craft duplicate eggs doesn’t mean that the remaining 92 can be blissfully ignored…or does it?

Yes, I know - it’s a longshot and naïve to hope for an answer, history teaches us that. (For example, a certain customer’s experience guru said they’d tackle officially-announced-but-as-of-yet-never-actually-released (in short - blatant lie to players) improved daily deal issue first thing next meeting around New Year and then successfully vanished from that topic without a trace to be found.)

But two can play and have fun at ignoring-poking game.


I expected to wake up this morning, come here and see the good news that targetable egg crafting update has been finished, tested, done & dusted and will be pushed live within next moments as it is high time for that…now I feel confused.


They don’t play the game. Therefore, it doesn’t bother them. Ignorance is bliss.

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We’re only 4 months into “next year”, have some patience bruh.


Now that the day has rolled over…look at what date it was yesterday and you’d realize why I expected them to come out with said announcement (and what they were supposed to say after a while).

Such a missed splendid opportunity to practice the skills!

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