Dungeon Feedback

Unfortunately, this is pretty much the actual definition of “beta test”. (Look up a term called “feature freeze” sometime, it’s also relevant)

We need an alpha test.

Usually, people in a beta expect that changes may still be made if whatever they do will be bad for the players/game.

Hard to change a whole system/mode, but even smaller adjustments aren’t made, and thus the beta feels pretty useless. May not be fair but people want to do more than to just find bugs and hope that they will maybe be fixed

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Mm, yeah, I think maybe not necessarily a “summit”, as was suggested, but just involved earlier in the process (e.g. alpha or before initial implementation or other).

“We have already planned more ways to get Dragonite in future - as we shared a Dragonite Gnome is planned and we have already planned to give you a way to target which Dragons you are crafting.”

Any updates on your plan to give us the option to target specific dragons for crafting?


I heard it will be some time after they introduce another daily gem sink.


Will probably happen when most people either got all dragons or lost interest.

Dungeon is still frustrating.

Even being able to get 5/5/10 dragonite for beating the bosses would be nice. Less dragonite per perfect run but a small amount daily. Maybe double on Sunday.

But still, for some reason, gems is banking on frustration when you can’t even buy more if you wanted to as the daily amount for gems is fixed. Good in a way, but why add 100% frustration onto that?

Don’t get it…

Wouldn’t an “oh well” be better than an “f this crap”?


lol’d :smiley:

granted, your option seems more ca$hy and therefore could be the preferred one. rumour still has it that “we ignore it until we reach ‘never’” is also in the mix of options.

yes. for all reasons you posted above!

Unfortunately, many players already quit the game. We are not talking about someone who just started to play the game but we are talking about hardcore players, players that invested time and money on this game generously.

Sad to see this because it could be a lot better with little of attention from the developers. Players asked for so little but no one listen. I hope they wake up before it’s too late.


Is this really the case? Really, really? I mean, stats say that player numbers overall through time are steadily decreasing, but are really that many “big spenders” quitting? I have reasonable doubts. We know of a few community-wide known names that seemingly quit the game, but noone can know who spent which amounts on the game. And “if” those do quit - how long until they start playing again or already doing that as one of their incognito multiaccs?

Even if many big spenders are quitting, seemingly still enough cash is earned for the company through transactions so that they don’t have to care yet about “what the players want” - or “need”. Or what parts of the games are buggy, flawed or don’t make sense at all. Also no guarantee that granting those wishes would generate more cash income.

It is all a mess. There’s so many good suggestions and ideas around this game, so many bugs and flaws that in theory could be fixed quickly to improve the games quality for every player, but instead we get new currencies, more “work to keep up with the games progress” and even more rng that no one ever asked for and that noone ever wanted. Really noone. This is what finally will kill the fun out of all of us.

But the surfsquad sees things differently. Maybe because they’ve proven time and time again that they don’t understand their own game mechanics because they either don’t play their own game to know better or because they just don’t care because of reasons above. Enough cash is still generated.


I just blew through 1500 dragonite trying to get the last dragon I am missing from the first stage of this (Saphirax). All dupes (on top of dupes). I’ve spent 300 gems a day on it since it came out. Think I will just stop now until they provide a more direct way - value to fun ratio is way off here.


Wait, there’s a ‘fun’ ratio for the new dungeon? I guess zero can be a ratio!


Unlike on an interval scale, a zero on a ratio scale means there is a total absence of the variable you are measuring.
Total absence of dragonite supports this.

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I made it to level 20, and on Sunday I got Diamantina.

As the final reward, that should feel fantastic and give you a sense of achievement.

Only thing I feel is relief that I’m freed from chasing dragonite.

The gnome being added is fine and all, but I wanted to bring that topic back up because that doesn’t change what made people so frustrated in the first place.

I hope that more changes are coming sooner rather than later, especially the ability to target a specific dragon/dupe protection.


I like this mode. I am not playing it anymore. Unless, I get all 3 battles first. Best mode to start slowing down.


I still haven’t spent a single Gem on Dragonite. I’m not going to dump Gems on absurdly expensive lootboxes until there’s a way to mitigate duplicates.

I’ve seen some fun-looking teams featuring Gem Dragons I don’t have, but being able to say “it’s random, there’s no guarantee I’d have gotten that one anyway” goes a long way to kill off the FOMO.


After 103 days since “the fix” finally the last remaining “winning combination” to a perfect run was pulled the first time.
Meanwhile two other “winning combinations” have been pulled 10 times and 9 times respectively in the duration of 103 days already.

Great job devs, you made everything “more fair”. :wink:

Just a Clownfest
:surfing_man: :clown_face:


New year has started and some milestones have been reached so…

  1. dear mods, has any syllable (yes, I know, too wordy and well-written for twitter generation) feedback been passed to the team and has the team gotten around to considering it?
    Dungeon Feedback - #226 by Fourdottwoone

  2. since “next year” has arrived - is there any update on targetable gem dragon crafting? When can we hope to see any progress - first half of the year? second half of the year?

  3. With 10,000 gnome-eligible games played…

    Estimate with current rates turns out to be 92 daily games to craft one Dragon Egg per year - it is slightly better than my patch-release-estimate of 100 daily games, but just barely.
    Overall - Dragonite Gnome is just as hopeless as I thought it would be. It’s not a problem at all when we have predictable daily dragonite income…well, but we don’t have any.
    Unforutnately, I was too careless and missed writing down all types of gnomes since game zero, but I do know that first 2000 games yielded 3 Cursed Gnomes. For those better at statistical analysis than I am - if appearance rates of Cursed Gnomes and Dragonite Gnomes are said to be equal, how likely is it that 10,000 games result in 4 Dragonite and 8 Cursed?

And, dear CX branch of the team, where can I buy Dragonite Gnome bait? There is a pile of coins burning a hole in my pocked but I can’t seem to find a place to spend them?

Nah, just kidding (or lying). I would never buy any kind of gnome bait. I simply wanted to see and have a good laugh at how ridiculously Russian-oligarch based most of your prices are.


I agree. Let’s not forget that if you descend to dungeon level 20 that’s an increase of 190 levels of enemy strength (475% increase for the boss that started from level 40) in exchange for a 20% increase in rewards. And that’s besides the negative status effects from the traps.

So that’s one more aspect of this update that has to be considered a negative for the player, the additional rewards are not worth the additional time the battles take if you descend. But I guess we can at least we can choose to ascend back to the original level over time to have quicker battles again.


Small update on those pesky Dragonite Gnomes


Currently, it makes 2400 games to find one Dragonite Gnome; meanwhile, the number of found Cursed Gnomes is 16, making it (with supposedly the same encounter chance as Dragonite Gnome) 900 games to catch one. Looks about right and not suspicious in the slightest.

Has there, by any chance, appeared anything that might shed any light on points 1. and 2. from my previous post just above? Or is it just one big black void where all disappears never to be heard of or reacted to ever again just, it feels, most of things.


Just to give an example, a claim to ask about situation on daily deals. (Those are probably abandoned, nobody’s working on them and there is none with enough courage to just come out and say so.)

Also, for example, Zendesk help articles that contain incorrect info on unlocking game modes since March 2022 (6.2 Update) are another bottomless hole with zero progress.


Are you able to confirm that when you saw the dragonite gnome, you slowed down the battle and let it take a full minute? Have anecdotally heard this leads to ‘fuller’ rewards, and my limited experience hasn’t proven it wrong.