Did not get all guild task rewards

I’m in one of these guilds and between a full-time job and kids, I only get to log in once a day. There is no telling how many rewards I’ve missed out on because of this limit. Am I supposed to keep track of what I receive, get a total from my guild leader, and submit a support request everyday? That’s going to get really old, really fast. I understand that this might not get fixed right away but also feel that this information should be more widely known than just buried in the forums.

If more casual players get something new every time they log in from hoards of stuffs, they will be less likely to spend monies to catch up with the less casual, so is probably not changing soon. I only played one mmo 10 years ago and was never social, so I dont know how these games work, but seems logical to me with my lack of knowledge.

You can’t just call someone who logs in every day ‘casual’. Someone may be playing 3 hours every day, except they are concentrated at one time, so there are 21 hours of no login, and possibly dozens of lost tasks.

In contrast, there could be someone who logs in every hour just for the rewards and tributes, but rarely actually plays. do you feel that someone like that is more deserving of the resources they get?


Agree completely. I’m usually only able to login in the evening but usually play for an hour or two. I guess that makes me less deserving than someone logging in with their phone for 30 seconds every hour. At least that was the response I got when I emailed support.

@Sirrian is there some way for us to get an in-game indicator of how many guild tasks were completed? That way we’d know if we’re hitting that 20 task limit or not. Then we, as players, could alter our play habits, and check-in on the game more often to prevent hitting that 20 task limit.



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Or even cease to donate until everyone has claimed the rewards…

Frankly, if that was even possible, you would like to wait in cases of vacations for more than a week to be able to donate more?
In any case I would really love to have some quick fix because it is really frustrating in our guild to manage contributions equally in the week.

Can someone confirm if the 20 task limit per day is still valid?
I would say that new reward mail system fixed this but who knows? @Sirrian?

I’ve been told the mail system has fixed it.