Developer Q & A

Been struggling a bit to find a pet question that hasn’t really been asked already, as the scope of what is being allowed is rather narrow.

However, I think I can add something of value here by refining some of the questions into something more focused.

My question is “What were the devs’ goals with the pet bonus system towards incentivizing players to level/“ascend” pets”?

I’m personally scratching my head over the design implementation over the bonus system used with pets. Some simple numbers illustrates the point quite easily.

– 41 copies of a pet are needed to raise a pet to max level (1 + 5 + 10 + 25 = 31)
– At Level 1, team bonuses are at a multiplier of 2x, increasing to 3x at max level.
– A single copy of a pet can be raised to Level 5, increasing the multiplier to 2.25x.

So, with a single pet, I can obtain (2.25 / 3) = 75% of the maximum potential bonus of a fully leveled pet. I need 30 more copies of that same pet to obtain the remaining 25% bonus.

Why even bother at that point? There’s no logical way to spin “I need to apply up to 40x the effort to achieve 1/4 of the potential reward”.

Well… what about the resource generators, like Lucky and Moon Moon?

Unlocking the pet, generates a 1% bonus. Leveling it to 5 doubles the bonus to 2%. Yay! But, 5 more copies to raise the pet to 10 generates (3 - 2) / 2 = only a 50% additional bonus. Hrmm… Ok, with if I level the pet to 15, the bonus increments by (4 - 3) / 3 = 33%??? We’re going in the wrong direction here! And so on.

So, what we have for both types of rewards systems are diminishing rewards returns curves while requiring exponential growth curves in investment. Sadly, the situation isn’t like normal math where a negative times a negative equals a positive. Instead, the end result is a situation where there are significant disincentives to ever farm pets/buy baskets, as the lion’s share of pet bonuses are obtained with the very first pet of a given type.

What should happen, IMO, is that the reward needs to worth the chase. Rewards need to signal to players that they are worth the additional investment. For example, for resource generators, I would use bonuses of (1%, 2%, 4%, 8%, 16%), or if those values are too high, (1%, 2%, 3%, 6%, 10%). Similarly, an example of pet multiplier bonuses would be (1x [unlocking the pet is the level 1 bonus], 1.25x, 1.5x, 2x, 3x).

And that’s my two gold pieces on the matter. I want to farm pets, but cold logic is telling me that the rewards are not with the effort after unlocking a specific pet, as the system currently operates.

EDIT: Credit to TheIdleOne for correctly pointing out my epic math fail.


Not a question, but I would totally be spending gems if the bonuses were actually significantly improving as in the post above.

As it stands, the boost for Dragons does almost nothing between lvls 1 and 20. And I’d really like to buff my Dragons because Dragons but not like this.


Although I’m scared that your suggestion is going to end up nerfing pet bonuses instead of bringing it up the other direction, its worth noting only 31 copies are needed to raise the pet level cap, not 41. Makes it a tad bit easier


@Saltypatra the conversion isin’t good
19h30 PDT is 22h30 EST and It should be 28th of may your time and 27th of may EST

:face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::flushed::flushed::flushed: Welp, that was an epic fail for the ages. Don’t tell my boss I can’t math worth a darn.

Isn’t it what’s already written??

AEST is not th same as EST

May 28 12:30 PM AEST is indeed 10:30 PM EST 27 may

3.4 broke ps4 shop.

When will you fix this?

No she probably didin’t drink coffee before writting this

I edit my post re read it

Stream is in 4h our time

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Yup missed the A lol sorry

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Go apologize to Salty! xD

I will when she apologize for wrong info about bags :stuck_out_tongue:

But she was partly right, it seems that Cedric loot will be the first shown on the right if another reward of the same type is also looted. Otherwise the reward order is the one I describe on the other post.

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Did I get my dates wrong? You’re all confusing me. D8

It’s today, AEST, at 12 30 PM. That is in a little over an hour. That is 7 30 PM PDT today.

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PS who is going to drop by?

You know i will be there :slight_smile:
No question about pet but i hope you will still ask it at the end

If I can get my research paper done in the next hour (hoping so), I will show up.

Sirrian and Nim will also speak about 3.5 a little, and there will be an open floor for questions at the end.


I’ve looked forward to this stream. :blush:

I’ll be there. :smiley: