Im fine with a limited amount of medal loadouts. But they should be available to assign to each team, for reasons like @Lyrian said, so you dont realise you are using the wrong medals mid fight as you have 0 way to check outside of the world map.
I know devs have said no to medals being linked to teams, but they also said no about classes linked per teams.
Simple things like in GW, setting medals for a def team is part of the team. If you then change them because of an attack team, and event, a delve, 1 of any other mode that they will effect, it changes the difficulty of the GW battle for the person who fights you at that time.
Changing it either on the team troop menu where you set banners and classes, or setting it when you are going into fight the battle so you can do a last sec check is needed.
So in a nutshell it’s a mode that wants you to chase the shiny new medals at a cost of epic scaled purchases to bag all rewards so you can convert your medals onto other medals to chase Geoff’s carrot. BUT how much each player will need to spend to do his or her “share” is anybodys guess. Rewards are same old rubbish tbh…portraits and major growth orb ffs. And the game is dull. I prefer the old raid and Co tbh. Plus, how can doom possibly become a weekend gig when organised scouting and comms is fundamental. There’s no time to do what’s needed and new factions need to be slotted in somewhere too. Forget constructive feedback and all that jazz…this is fecking shite.
And the score is what determines your guild rewards threshold and your ranking on the leaderboard:
…which leads me to ask, why are collectibles listed under Guild when Collectibles is just how score is calculated? It’s no secret that for every skull collectible, you get 10 points. So, yeah, duh your score is going to be ten times as much as your skull count. But then on the individual leaderboard, there is no mention at all of skulls earned. Of course we know that, for instance, if first place has a score of 18,010, that means they’ve collected 1801 skulls. From that we can further determine that they’ve collected an average of 8 skulls per battle.
But we don’t see our own battles won anywhere else. That is to say, we can’t see how many battles anyone else in our guild has done. I know the top player in my guild has a score of 5200, but I don’t know how many battles they’ve done, so I don’t know what their average is. And I only know my own average is 3.3 skulls per battle because I can see my battles won, but only on the Leaderboard. Nowhere else does it show my battles won.
From that we just have to assume that the skulls per battle slowly increases the more battles you do, but unless your guildmates are on the leaderboard, you won’t see what their average is.
“Collectibles” under Guild should be replaced with Battles Won, like it is on the Leaderboard.
What would be handy on each version of this event would be an Info tab.
On there, it explains, in plain terms, what the point is.
For Instance:
For every X you kill, you get 1 “Event Collectable”. This is then x10 to get your score while will help unlock the guild rewards.
During this event you are able to use “limited team building choices” for both troops and weapons. You can use any class but “Class related to weekly event” works best for those troops. (if needed)
Lore is all good, and its great to read and get a backstory, but not at the cost of knowing what it is we are meant to be doing in the event.
With how long major updates take to release, it’s really a shame that things aren’t more refined when we get them. The whole theme of this update is the event system, and it seems not only confusing, but broken.
Unlike Raids or Invasions. It seems that RNG determines how many points we get. Which it’s clear that Gems of War vision is to have everything determined by RNG. Slots of War may be a more appropriate title.
While other companies are getting away from loot boxes. I+2 seems to keep leaning towards them.
If things don’t change. Outside of the folks chasing the Leaderboards. No one is going to buy past tier 4 (the weapon) for this new shittiest of shit events after this week.
I think if the devs had sponsored a competition to design the least interesting event possible, the Council of Repetitions would have scored really well, if not won outright.
And to think, a week ago I was excited about there being a new event. I was picturing something like delvs, with new game mechanics and new strategies, and not this current lame mess.
In the gow support page on world events it suggests buying tier 3 for the weapon lol.
From the page:
If you want to spend the least Gems possible, try purchasing to at least Tier II so you can get at least 1 Event Badge to equip. If there is a special Weapon avilable you may want to purchase to Tier III instead.
That has not been the case AT ALL in my experience. A mythic lvl 80 battle gave me 3 skulls. Why should I bother? I’m just wasting my time doing this event as is.
I’ve got some battles with one or three Skulls and a single battle with five Skulls but it wasn’t Mythic or even level 80. It was Legendary level 40.
Ok Devs: “Wow, we play an event with orcs collecting skulls, the medal has a skull and a buff to skull damage! That’s so exquisite! Very unique!”
But random scoring… Really?
I bought enough tiers for two medals, not sure if my guild will manage enough rewards for another one, but this event is already dull and it’s supposed to last for the whole week?
I bought tier 6 … 3030 points … 0 ravens lost. 70 fights; that’s ~4.3 skulls / fight. Not sure why some level 40 fights are giving more skulls than level 200 fights. Boggling.
Conceptually, I like the event - execution is somewhat painful. Without the medals adding skull damage, the event would be unbearable. As it is, it’s simply poorly executed.
Needing to buy tier 6 to get all rewards (2 events per week!) is an expensive proposition. One that, it would seem, many will be unable to compete regularly.
PREDICTION: flavor event text disappears or is severely shortened within 6-8 weeks. So much text is simply hard to maintain - believe me - I maintained a website with 8,000 pages. Unique content is challenging!