Congratulations to t0nerz, the latest #1 PvP BOT killer!

thats the real question who would do that to himself weeks after weeks. one week is already super tiring you can ask those who go for number 1. tonerz is chilling this week.

I was pissed off, i figured that it was only mercy and that i could just reconstruct my team and use baby spider to kill mercy. At some point our healths went to max and back, i lost at least an army of baby spiders, but my anger was not from mercy vs spider it was at losing jarl in the second turn. Then after getting to mercy left i figured it would be easy. I last my skull creator not much longer after losing jarl, i still had to kill bone dragon at that point. Then after my rage was abated i figured on day 2 that i would make a huge bounty on killing that one troop in gold and xp. day three, i gave up the ghost and figured there was a gold cap and xp cap. I decided it was time, rage was gone, avarice was gone, i just lost the will to play for a bit of time. This was back during the maw meta btw.

My primary console team is

Bone Dragon
Valkyrie*** (i still need souls)

On console my matches average 1.5 minutes to 3 minutes each. With the occasional match lasting less than 1 minute when everything works perfectly. This is using a team that is slowed down by a completely unnecessary valkyrie.

I also will automatically retreat from a battle if I lose Maw early before I can build him up. Much more efficient to retreat when you get a bad start then try to play it out and waste 5+ minutes to win normally.

I am not entirely sure how many battles the top leaderboard players have in mobile, but you can average 20 battles an hour or better depending on the team.

Let’s assume this person has no job and plays a minimum of 10 hours a day.

That is 1400 matches a week. Exactly how high are the top 10 on the mobile leaderboards (genuinely curious)?

That said I fully expect the guild I am in to have at least 2 people in the top 5 every week, seeing as we have some of the most active players in the PS4 version.

As of right now (mid-Thursday), the top player on pc/mobile has 1,361 wins and the number two player has 588.

These are are figures from last week:

Rank     Invade Win   Invade Total
#1:      1,138        1,161
#2:      2,751        2,820 
#3:      935          1,042
#4:      727          747
#5:      694          715
#6:      702          738
#7:      650          689
#8:      598          602
#9:      597          632
#10:     634          670
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Thank you, the only one that seems crazy is #2, and of course the fact that #1 is LESS total invades/wins then #2.

Those other numbers definitely seem approachable though.

If you make it your primary goal of course.

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The Player in 2nd is usually in 1st place btw, must be doing only easy opponents

The problem with the “person” (bot) in question is the sheer number of losses this week. 200+ losses IN A ROW in just a matter of hours. This is not something any actual person would do. EVER. Another red flag is that not one single time EVER have those in question been seen on either chat or forums. Seems highly suspicious to me.

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we should add that those numbers are approachable if you set your mind to it and put in the effort every day, all week.

what’s amazing is that there are people who have managed to do this every week since PVP came out.

Every. Single. Week.

What if sister is a bot, made by the devs to test the pvp system, however went rouge and can not be removed by the devs because it has created a body in the real world and is now playing the game legitimately just like any other player. (its a conspiracy theory based on no info whatsoever)


Well, thank God you put that disclaimer there, I was ready to call the police.


Wouldn’t determining the amount of time a player takes to move greatly increase the chances of being detected?

I’ve analyzed the more popular bot programs and they neither vary the “reaction time” nor do they allow you to set one.

It’s not humanly possible to play thousands of games, making tens of thousands of moves all with the same “reaction time”.

The game doesn’t ping the server until the match is over, right?

I think so, but then a log is made.

The question is what is in that log? It can’t contain moves made, or the devs would be able to track bugs easier.




How do you get to see defenses in PvP on PC? Is it a replay?

Must be raw data, we can’t see replays on pc yet. Basically when it pings, the raw data must be +x or -x to x stat which tells the scoreboard to update that x data. However that is only a theory.