Coming soon to a console near you! (Weekly Event: Khaziel)

Darkstone was 1.0.8, Drifting Sands was 1.0.9

Darkstone is a Magic bonus Kingdom, 1 of only 2 in fact.

I believe thatā€™s reason enough.

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Kingdom bonuses should be changing next update as there are 4 magic and only 2 or 3 attack kingdoms. I forget exactly.

But Zhulā€™Kari becomes magic and Blighted Lands is as well.

i guess but then grosh shoulda been last none of itā€™s troops get much use.

Garā€™Nok is great except heā€™s the wrong color (Valkyrie) and summons havenā€™t been fixed yet. You can make strong decks with Luther. You can do so with Garā€™Nok.

pretty sure hes considered one of the worst legendariesā€¦ also he summons orcā€¦ which sucksā€¦

Yeah one of the worst. I do agree with @Shiratori though about wrong mana colours.

He is quite strong at mythic. Got a Grosh-Nak team for Task purposes. Him and Drake Rider shine in it compared to the rest.

I think the Orc havin a dif spell would go a long way for himā€¦

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Yeah, removing Skulls seems counter to what orcs are about. However, I think itā€™s Cyclops that Garā€™Nok is truely targeting

Update: Spirit Fox added to Maugrim Woods

For this week, we leave the open plains to travel into the poisonous mists where we will encounter the mysterious Swamplash. Be careful getting to close to this monster as you could find yourself entanged and if you already were, you find that its vines will hurt even more.

This is the 7th troop to appear in Mist of Scales, helping to give it some much needed points for those trying to raise the Mistā€™s kingdom power. This Epic Green Brown troop will come with Arcane Forest traitstones if you wish to spend your Glory to acquire one for your team. Not only can they help enhance Swamplash, but they can also be currently used for the following troops:

Archon Statue
Black Beast
Brian the Lucky
Goblin King

(Yes 3 of the 7 troops listed are from Zaejin if you wish to help boost that kingdomā€™s power easily.)

Swamplash will be available in chests after midnight your local time and in the store at 3PM GMT (10AM Central Time) on Tuesday. Thanks again to @death for the information.

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Nice write up. I like the advance notice, a lot!

Edit: If your copy\pasting the troop info from Erikaā€™s post feel free to leave in the number of Traitstones per troop instead of removing it, if not then never mind.

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Yeah me too and this way it does give the console players a chance to decide whether to save or spend their glory based on their own needs as well as maybe waiting on event chests too or staying with whatā€™s available now.

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I will be buying only 6 copies and stockpiling the rest of my Glory. Not much need for Arcane Forests and Wyvern is in the short future

He must be the most popular troop left, guess thats why we are gettin himā€¦ yepā€¦

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No. Itā€™s because Mist of Scales had 6 troops to it and that was mentioned that some came out just to increase the kingdom size.

then why not release him a while ago instead of garbage like bearbearius? I thought the order was supposed to be based on popular meta altering cards but that explanation has never made any sense.

Cause when Barbearius came out, Maugrim Woods only had 6 as well. So basically the same reason.

errr fenir then .

Well, seeing as Iā€™m not Mr.Strange I canā€™t really say exactly as to why Fenrir was picked when it was. And well, I like Fenrir as well and think he helps fill a need for some Beast support and gives an alternate to say Luther.

I feel reasonably certain though that cards like Mercy, Gob-chomper, and Green Slime are bound to show up sooner than later. I think itā€™s well known those are cards in demand and the kingdoms they belong to havenā€™t shown up in awhile. So, soon. In the mean time, Iā€™m taking advantage of the fact I can raise Mist of Scales up at least 1 more level on the power scale.

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But I am!

Iā€™ll clarify that my goal was not ā€œpush out all the most significant meta troops ASAP!ā€ - because that would actually punish new players. Rather, my goal was to take the release schedule set by the PC/mobile, and shuffle things around to get yā€™all the good troops much faster than we got them on the PC side.

Also, I absolutely adore Swamplash. Itā€™s a fantastic troop, and a shame that it doesnā€™t get more love. It has 3 dynamite traits, and interesting uses. Here are my two Swamplash teams I run in PvP:

ā€œThe Monster Mashā€
Great Maw***
Marsh Raptor*
Night Terror***

Three troops have Monster Bond - which is +6 health. Another +2 for two Mist of Scales troops, and +2 Armor and Life along with +1 magic for running 4 monsters. So the total is +10 health, +2 armor, +1 magic for all troops. Brown and yellow are duplicated (because Maw), and blue is kept off the board with Night Terrorā€™s spell. Both Night Terror and Marsh Raptor target the weakest troop - together they can finish off most things.

Swamplash has a key role to play in this - nature link is great of course, but Swamplash is also the only targeted damage, and has a targeted entangle which can be critical for negating skull teams.

Green Seer**

Acolyte and Green Seer create brown & green gems, Green Seer entangles, and your two swamplash troops just whip the heck out of everything on the board. Nymph can be used as well.