Coming soon to a console near you! (Weekly Event: Khaziel)

You shouldn’t be. Contact support.

Seems like the next kingdom just unlocked a week early. Still contact support if want.

Bul’Tauros was the event troop from 2 months ago. Now you may end up getting him from event chests, but he shouldn’t be the troop of the week.

wargems post is not very clear, if you re read it a couple of times. “I think” he was staining he has 1 copy of bul’t from unknown time frame. In addition has been getting multiples of Taurus a (white common) for a week. This just unlocked from the chests today.

Updated the post to show that Skeleros was among the Wild Plains troops that can be found. Wild Fang will become available at a future date.

Will update the kingdom listing in the first post later Tuesday.

Edited list to show reflect all Wild Plains’ troops are now available except for Wild Fang.

The worst/underused Weekly Troop available for release is either Faunessa or Zephyros. My bet is on one of these is next. Since we got a Pan’s Vale event last week, it’s probably Zephyros.

I could the extra points in my Stormheim kingdom level.

A problem I see is we have 10 unreleased Troops from last cycle, but we will get 4 or 5 before the Update.

@Mr.Strange Are we going to start getting newer Troops before all the old ones are released?

There is a master list we call “the cadence” which determines which troops and kingdoms release on which date. That list extends far into the future. Patches don’t change the cadence - there’s no concept of “wait until all troops from previous update have been released” because we’re always on an infinite timeline of new troops.

There are defined troops (like the Winter Imp) which have been “in” the console version for months, but which we have not yet reached on the cadence.

The PC/mobile discussion makes this confusing, because on that side “putting troops in the game” is the same thing as “releasing troops.” But console has the cadence, which is the gatekeeper between those things.

So the short answer is yes - you’ll get “newer” troops before all the “old” troops are released. But that’s not a change, because the cadence hasn’t changed.

Clear? Yes? Hopefully I helped rather than making us all out to sound like cadence-worshiping idolators.

It’s clear to me, thanks @Mr.Strange

Now I fear it may be a long time before we get the more desirable Troops.


Unfortunately in that respect you are at my mercy, as I was the one who prioritized what comes earlier or later.

Or should I say at “my Mercy”?


You can say it once you free her from her imprisonment :stuck_out_tongue:

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I thought this would be the case based on other discussions, such as if a new kingdom does come about once a month then there would be “newer” troops out before the “older” ones. (Hearing about the Winter Imp was a surprise. A cool one, pardon the pun.)

So essentially, based on your list, it’s possible Glacial Peaks could be the next kingdom released if that’s how things were planned, (definitely not saying it is). And patches and updates, aside from fixing bugs and adding features, just help add more content physically to the system regardless if their time on the list is soon or far, like the Winter Imp.

In some ways this is better since we may be able to access popular troops and kingdoms far quicker than if we did have to wait for everything to be available before seeing anything truly new. (I love Queen Mab. With Soothsayer out, have to champion a new troop.)

And nice Mercy tease.

100% correct! Glad you grokked it.

I have no idea what you’re implying by this.

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Guess I should remove the disclaimer on the imps then though I know the real reason they haven’t appeared for real on console…

They keep jumping back into the PC/mobile chests no matter how much they’re kicked out.

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I’d agree with you @Shiratori, but looking at the list of the recent releases, this appears to be the exact opposite. We have been getting the least used and least popular Troops/Kingdoms first


Please tell me specifically which troops you think would have been more useful than the troops you’ve been getting. I’m honestly interested.

Update: Removed most notes about the Imps. Being as they are Imps, they can spring upon us and surprise us at any time.

And as for least used and least popular troops, I don’t think that’s the case. My memory may be a little fuzzy so I may be off on a troop here. But as far as I recall, since the last major update that brought us to 1.085 we’ve seen:

Anointed One (Darkstone)
Bul’Tauros (Divinion Fields)
Green Seer (Forest of Thorns)
Elf Eater (Grosh-Nak)
Bone Dragon (Khetar)
Fenrir (Maugrim Woods)
Sylvasi (Pan’s Vale)
Salamander (Pridelands)
Hobgoblin (Zaejin)
Giant Spider (Zhul’Kari)
Skeleros (Wild Plains)

Now Salamander is the one I’m not sure about, and Bone Dragon was already the event when the patch went live. Now no one will argue that some troops don’t have a long term appeal while others are highly anticipated. But as far as usefulness, I would say at least half of this list here has seen regular usage (Green Seer, Hobgoblin, and Giant Spider off the top of my head) or at least fill a niche roll that strengthens the team (Sylvasi and Skeleros seem to fit this bill). Plus troops like Fenrir are good, but the deck it would be best served in may not be as great (so far). Elf Eater suffers from that as well, since while you may see Fey decks, you rarely see many straight up Elf builds. Bul’Tauros admittedly could use a buff. He’s the poor man Rowanne right now, and she’s guaranteed to get.

And for @Mr.Strange since I see I just got Ninja-ed (fancy timing at that), I think the most obvious one would be Mercy. At least from how people talk about it here, it’s a very useful card in many builds.

After that, Gob-chomper comes up as a tool to really stop annoying goblin teams (or at least make short work of them) and then probably Green Slime though with Giant Spider out, we have something that can fill the roll to some degree.

Those would probably be the ones off the top of my head that @TaliaParks is referring to. Mercy definitely first and foremost though.

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First off, not criticising your decisions here, but since you asked…

Mercy, Green Slime and Gob-Chomper would have been used more by me. Salamander, Hobgoblin, Bul’Tauros, Fenrir and Sylvasi have only been used so I could familiarize myself with their mechanics.

To be fair, I use Green Seer extensively and have been getting great use out of Giant Spider. I also play different compared to most others, and I have zero access to the data you have @Mr.Strange.

Just because what’s being released doesn’t mesh with me, doesn’t mean it’s not what’s working for the majority.