Coming soon to a console near you! (Weekly Event: Khaziel)

then wouldn’t it have made sense to give us mercy & slime before before stuff noone cares about like fenrath,bearbearius,sylvassi,bultauros etc…

also any chance we could get a double troop event once in a while like the pc recently had… maybe that could help us slowly catch up to them troop wise.


Small edit.

Added Swamplash to the Mist of Scales troops because not only did I forget about her, but it was included in the 1.085 patch. So it will be an event troop at some point soon while also giving 10 total troops to Mist of Scales. Of course next week they may not be the only kingdom with 10 so stay tuned.

Yes, really.

Many of these troops released before traitstones were even in the game, so there wasn’t much attention paid to color combinations. My priority is to get the most used troops out there.

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Thats odd… when i checked before it was just entangle.

I have to agree bultauros is a terrible card and i wish i hadnt purchased it cause its 100% useless even in a team that has perfect synergy with it but ok…

Id like to have the other bulguy that gives whole team magic …hmm… dunno when he comes out.

But sylvasi is awesome man, awe some.

Soothsayer. A rare troop in Wild Plains, coming soon™

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I’m curious – is Sylvasi actually one of the “most used troops?” I almost never encounter it. Do people use it heavily in invades?

Sylvasi is not used very frequently on teams. But it is one of the most successful troops. (That is, teams with it have a very high win rate).

Also, it’s important to rotate the kingdom each week, so we can rotate the event chest. Sylvasi was the only troop from pan’s vale available for a rotation. (If we’d had Bunni’Nog available, I would have done that over Sylvasi.)

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Wait, what about Faunessa (as the event chest erroneously lists)? She is in the game as she shows up in several of the challenges. I’m guessing it was just a judgment call between the 2, but it would have been an option for Pan’s Vale and not solely Sylvasi.

Bul’Tauros was the event troop for a new kingdom and near as I can find, the only available choice since I don’t think the Wyvern made the update. So it still had a role for helping develop the kingdom strength and was an easy to get card even if it could use a buff or 2.

Rather the quibble over what troop was selected or not, why don’t we follow the PC/mobile reward layout and have 2 Troops offered! In addition please bring back the old console format of the weekly weapon too that will give 3 options!

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Updated the list showing the current console version along with when troops first appeared on the PC to give a better picture as to when they may appear on the Console.

And thanks to @Strat for pointing out that Skeleros is indeed sitting out in a challenge (Khetar). Either he or Wild Fang then should be the event troop the week Wild Plains goes live, coming not soon enough. :slight_smile:

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I don’t quite understand the devs on the Imp issue. First off there a legendary troop. Yeah yeah there kingdomless I know. But patience they will get a kingdom. :wink:

It helped on pc to break up the swamp and beast stone event troops.
Plus the devs are always banging on about how much the Hero gets used by early-mid game players. Wouldn’t it be nice if they had some stones before the hero class comes out in update. Just saying.

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I’m not quoting anyone, just like I said, it was mentioned that there are many more troops they’d like to bring out first. Never say never, just it’s not the first choice.

I’m glad we aren’t gettin imps anytim soon… Ijut don’t like the idea of spending resources on weird troops that don’t help my kingdom *s.

Thats because succesful teams focus on taking out cards as fast as possible, its not possible to take out sylvasi if hes in the 2nd or third slot, and in the first slot he can be even more devastating due to that you can make him 100% invulnerable to damage if you take out the atk of the 1st card first and then focus on other cards. Ill be oneday making a great deck with him.

Added Morthani’s Will and Wraith to the Ghulvania troops

For something new, aside from the list above of the new troops that come to PC/Mobile and the removal of troops that finally became live on Console, we’re going to take a small peak at the troop(s) we can play with.

This week marks the arrival of the final kingdom from the 1.085 console patch as Wild Plains will become live this Tuesday at 3PM GMT (10AM my local CDT). With it we get a great array of new troops that can fit into many decks and playstyles.

Starting off is the story troop Sunweaver who will buff any 1 party member with life, armor, attack, and mana. For magic boosts, there’s Soothsayer who not only will destroy a row and column for board control and 15 mana to be spread among your team, but also will raise the magic of everyone else by 1.

Of course the land is being threatened by the mighty Hydra who not only hits hard, but can take the damage he’s received and use that to inflict even greater pain upon his enemies.

Check out Wild Plains to see what the troops can do and how they will help you.

Of course each week we have an event to celebrate. Wild Plains though has 2 event troops.

Skeleros is the first one up. This Red Purple creature will double the number of skulls on the board which can really make short work of your opponent. Arcane Dark is the traitstone associated with him that not only can boost Skeleros, but can also be used for the following if any of these are your favorites:
Dark Master
Flesh Golem
Mist Stalker
Night Terror

As always, thanks to @death for living on the right side of the world to see this really early. We’re all excited and hype about what’s coming tomorrow, but for him, it was Tuesday.


Thank you for the post

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Skeleros comes with the launch, Wild Fang is a Weekly Event Troop

I keep getting tauros ? Since last week?
I have a legendary bulltauros and so far an ascended tauros from white to blue with all the tauros copies.