C'mon you cowards!

Invade me!

Some of have the Revenge Task to clear :stuck_out_tongue:

It’ll clear in 14 hours.

I’d invade you but the system won’t allow it.

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I would, but I find you too invasive.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Come over to pc talkin that smak…
U be cryin 2 hrs later :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I joke

Be good if you could attack specific people. Currently cycling through people to invade and only getting 300 gold match ups

In-game name, Talia?
Mine is Rumble, like the pegasus colt from MLP.

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TaliaParks is the in-game name. Hard to miss.

I haven’t seen Rumble when I PvP, but now that I know it’s you I’ll keep an eye out.

Turns out I needed to change my Defense team to encourage Invading.

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the 3 Celestia Team with 3. Trait ? its really disgusting ( one of the Celestias boosted himself to 250~ Health others 100-200) its hard to beat them if they always use like 3 Heals in a row .

Was close to retreat but made it after ~ 15 Minutes and iam Level 940

its little op because AI cheat much and get many 4-5 Combos = all Shield

Yeah team isn’t fun, good thing I use 5 other Defense teams in a daily rotation. So you’ll be seeing the Celestasias in 3 days! :wink:

I put the Celestasias up because I traited them and they’re going to get nerfed so abuse them while I can. And if no one invades, no great loss anyway.

People aren’t scared of it and it gets beat more than it wins. I have much better teams, such as The Round Table, Holy Rollers and Thick Potato Skins.

Well I’m partial to Team #3 but soon should be sliding back to the more fearsome Team #2.

I’ll have my best team out to greet you :wink:

the Team isnt dangerous it just takes so much Time . I think it get the wins from the retreats. Some People see 3 Celestias with 100+ Health and say FU bye

It’s too bad you are on PS4 (iirc) because I never scout when I pvp, and I lose extremely rarely.

if you have VIP 3 or 4 you can see the Team without scouting

Depending on your team though there’s no reason to scout. I have a build like that on the PC. I know how to play it and it doesn’t matter who I’m facing cause it wins the same way regardless.

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if you arent the worst Player ever its very hard to lose