C'mon you cowards!

Well a fully traited Great Maw means you have to play a little smarter/more carefully or else you will get squashed more often than not.

Coming soon™ to a console near you.

No need to call everyone a bad player for not winning.

Considering I hit you multiple times a day and I see you on Revenges about once a week, I wouldn’t be puffing my chest so big about wins/losses

rare perhaps too low ? last time was when i wrote you 3 Days ago. i saw Mosi some Days ago ( Moshi Guildleader) for the first Time and he is 260-270 ~

and i really didnt search this Celestias

btw with 73% Manasurge it is really hard to lose :wink:

Yeah must be my bad playing not my low levels barely traited rares versus your 900 plus levels fully traited mythical goblin team?

I certainly can’t complain about getting attacked. :sunglasses:

@TaliaParks yeah iam sooooo bad thats why i never apear on your Revenge List :(((

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I have to say, I’ve never been trolled so gently, it’s kind of refreshing

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I love that name.

Team description, please!


Knight Coronet
Sacred Guardian
Sword Banner

All about Stoneskin and Armored to counter Skull teams. Nothing fancy.

Ah. The pun you’re making is “Thick Skins” - I originally focused on the word “Potato” and though you were themed to vegetable warriors, or something. (Rowanne, Swamplash, ??)

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I might just do that!

“Vegetables Kill”

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Sounds like Attack of the Killer Potatos to me!

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