Cheating has become so prevalent on PC/Mobile

I wonder if this anti cheat system is as good as their QA.


The perma-turn & instant kill exploits are still being actively used and updated for every patch as far as I know. I haven’t heard of anyone getting banned for using them either. And those exploits have been around for ~3 years :grimacing:

I know for a fact at least one person tipped you off a year and a half ago :man_shrugging:

Any chance we’re going to see fixes for those two any time soon?

Or are you saying you primarily find cheaters by using server side metrics (win rate, team score discrepancies, play duration, battles per hour) and it’s unlikely we’ll see fixes for client side exploits?


Thanks. But actually cheating is nothing new. We lost some players 3-4 years ago because it was impossible back then for a competitive legit player to be #1 in the PVP LB.
Not to mention that the tools of the devs were not able to detect everything and that cheaters seem to have never been very high in their list of priority.
I thought wiser to try to stop caring.

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Cheating and :trophy: are 2 different things. Anonymous would likely still be tops if you only got :trophy: in pvp like you used to. Giving :trophy: for everything made passing them easy no matter how far you were behind. It was brutal passing a guild back in the old days even if you were a couple hundred K behind. Now 100k is nothing. So if you want an asterisk that would be the reason. The top Switch guild has more :trophy: than any guild on Xbox or PlayStation and more than almost all PC guilds but 2 and they did that 4 years behind :joy:

If account sharing is not against the rules, seems like the example in the OP isn’t actually cheating.

Xbox and PS are the only leaderboards I trust.

I think I’m going to buy this for my niece.

And potentially try out the devs “chest detection software”.

I used game genie as a kid. That’s a lot of fun for a kid.

There is 100% nothing wrong with modding offline games. Modding online games well…

The devs have time to combine my forum articles and delete my other articles entirely due to most likely cheaters spamming the flag system. So clearly cheating isn’t that much of an issue evidently.

In fact I’d say Botters are having the most fun with the current state of GoW. Because they get all the resources that legitimate players have to grind for (even vip 20 still grinds) without having to deal with bugs, or just poorly designed aspects of the game.

I’d go as far as you say that cheating is encouraged more than discouraged on PC, Mobile, and Switch. Since the devs are all about their daily player/botters numbers and they like to write that they care about cheating. But I can say I’m on a food diet all day and night. Yet, if every meal I eat is a form of cake and I’m drinking soda with every meal and eating a bag of chips in between meals… Am I actually on a food diet?

TL:DR - If you’re earning hundreds of thousands of trophies ligamently then you should have no issue with my words because you are doing the right thing and shouldn’t have to compete against cheaters. If you get defensive over my words that doesn’t automatically make you a cheater either. But it does tell me you have friends or know someone that cheat and your loyalty to them is clouding your judgement.

Though if you can forgive your friends sins. Perhaps you can forgive my sin of having an opinion. :person_shrugging:

Translation: if you disagree with me, you may or may not be a cheater but your friends definitely are so your opinion is unwelcome here.

Translation: I am contractually obligated to highlight my level of victimhood based on the trauma of being disagreed with. The only opinion that matters here is mine.

I have yet to see any evidence of there being this perceived abundance of cheaters. There must be a whole lot of them here though since apparently your post was deleted because there are

… I would like to see where you got that, too.

I don’t cheat and I don’t know any programs that let you cheat, let alone any cheaters themselves. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a hacker or hacker-associated.

You’re making a lot of unsubstantiated claims. If cheaters were so abundant and such a massive problem and the devs think that

… then we’d be seeing leaderboards topped with absurd numbers all the time. As Kafka pointed out, we may see these occasionally, but there are quick bans. While the lack of absurdly high numbers doesn’t prove there are no cheaters, it at least shows that anyone who may be cheating cheats within the range of what a dedicated player could accomplish. As there is no evidence for there being a massive amount of cheaters other than your opinion, I see no reason to believe the leaderboards are full of cheating people. We all know people who have been on leaderboards and are most certainly not cheating. If cheating were so horribly prevalent and absurdly ignored as you say, we wouldn’t see regular players on leaderboards.

Unsubstantiated claims lead to more absurd unsubstantiated claims such as:

You don’t strike me as the type of person to have their mind changed once it’s made, so I doubt this will go anywhere and as I’ve said before, I’m not about to have a heated back-and-forth over a match-3. I’ll simply leave this here and let people decide for themselves.

If making claims like this, belittling others’ opinions, and bashing the game with every post is what gets you through the day, go for it, but I sincerely hope you are finding enjoyment in this game somewhere, or that you have the good sense to leave what you seem to consider to be a trash pile of a game.


Well in that case I’m completely and unquestionably wrong then. Because you don’t know of their existence they simply can’t exist.

Oh the public leaderboards where everyone can see players. If you think I’m basing my claims off that then you are mistaken. The leaderboards for events are probably the least likely place to find cheaters on. (But like anything it’s not an absolute rule.)

In what world do cheaters not exist in a video game on PC or mobile platform? Your comment is almost ironic due to your claim.

Yes you raised a lot of interesting points for others to consider. Now personally I don’t see anything your bringing to the table other than saying cheaters aren’t prevalent because the devs ban a few. Or should people who aren’t cheaters be offendeded by my hatred and disgust of cheaters?

Again (I dare say) if you don’t cheat… Or know someone who cheats. And you pointed out you’re not here to argue. Then you oppose my thoughts of how often cheating is done? Not that I’m only posting this shit in hopes that the devs will do a better job than they are doing.

I belittle cheaters because they are the scum of the earth. What gets me through the day is a happy life. And an occasional enjoyment of GoW. Cheaters infringe on my enjoyment of the game because I know how it ruins it for others.

I will be playing this…“trash pile of the game” until the servers are turned off. I figure by then it’ll just be me and the bots. But in hopes of that dark timeline never coming true. I will continue to make posts like this. Because only reason more people don’t speak out about it… Is because of the “feedback” they receive. Because it’s never as simple as “I don’t agree with you and here’s why”. That isn’t possible when people are trying to get a point across. They have to add insults to whatever their point is… It’s really sad AF. But I’m going to contribute by trying to minimize the amount of cheating done in GoW to the best of my capabilities. Others can do nothing and that’s fine … And I’ll continue to have experiences like today. (I didn’t even bother reading comments left by players I feel support cheating because of course they are going to oppose my thoughts.)

While you personally decide whether comments like that are necessary when you are taking the stance of someone who feels they are just disagreeing with me but don’t want to have a heated exchange. You may as well as punched me in the face and then told me you don’t want to fight me. Because if you think that’s acceptable, then your knowledge of cheaters should be the least of your concerns.


I know I can interact in an aggressive manner. But who drew first blood here? Did I attack you in the original OP or the follow up OP that a dev decided to attach to this thread and I had no say in it? I don’t believe I did. Yet you feel it’s appropriate to personally judge my behavior then make that judgement public.

It’s one thing to not care about cheaters. It’s an entirely other thing to attempt to undermine those who care about cheating.

Well said.

I hate when people do that.

By “cheaters” you mean anyone who is doing better than you believe they should be. You label them “cheaters” without any proof and proceed to belittle them. Reminds me of antifa. Promote violence towards fascists. Then label anyone they dont like as a fascist. Then commit violence. These are the tactics of dishonest and weak minded people.

I believe that’s enough said on all sides of this argument.