Card Redesign

I have also joined the fora just to agree with this topic. The game is now difficult to play, since I have trouble parsing any information from the cards. I’m probably going to end up quitting if the horrid graphic changes aren’t addressed.


If I’m ready to put up with your new, absolutely ugly frames in all the menus, then the flashy, iridescent situation during the battle is impossible to put up with.
A little about the ill-fated frames, which are simply not visible, and you have not done anything with them, as soon as you have perverted over them so that they can be seen, and again you make such frames, now in the chest menu. I inform you - this frame is AGAIN not visible.
And now about the topic that concerns the entire community of GoW players today.
I understand that you want to update, refresh the game externally, but what you are doing with it is simply beyond the scope of adequacy.
The new design is terrible: it may look nice, but it’s not practical. Bright colors, flickering, superimposing one color on another, eyes are flowing from all this, head is spinning.
The situation during the battle became absolutely uncontrollable, you don’t understand what happened, when it happened, why and why it happened!

  • If the map itself still looks “nothing like that”, I personally even like it, but improvements are needed, it’s impossible to look at it in battle. Cards under a bunch of effects are completely unrecognizable.
  • Numbers are not visible, any numbers on the cards are simply not visible. They are small and colorful, on a colorful background with colorful effects. The location is also inconvenient. You had normal large numbers, you could see them, but now you have reduced them by 2 times.
  • In battles, the number of parameters are located on the enemy’s right, the player’s - on the left, this makes even more eyes lose sight of information.
  • Diamonds instead of badge skills are also completely misinforming, they do not carry any information in themselves. When stunned, the crossed-out diamonds are also invisible, they are not visible.
  • Effects and statuses on the map are also not visible when there are more than two of them, they are simply not visible.
  • The curse and enchantment in all this ton of colors is simply impossible to discern.
  • You need to look at each card to understand what is imposed on it, what skills the card has (previously it was recognized by the icons).
  • The rarity, rarity of the card is not recognizable, and it is simply not on the battle screen.
  • The hero class icon is flattened, and is only visible until the hero collects mana. As soon as it is fully assembled, the class must go to look at the card.

Personally, for me the game now causes dizziness and pain in the eyes after 20 minutes of playing. And so do a few other people I know who play GoW. At least one player in my guild, aged 50, who simply has vision problems and wears glasses, reported that he now does not see the numbers at all, not wearing any glasses, does not see the card, does not even see if the the card has full mana. He also does not see a room in the race, he was forced to ask his relatives to help him see where the room with the drawing of the chest and the gnome dwarf with the treasure is. As a result, he simply deleted the game right during the Guild War. And this is after almost 8 years given to the game.

Your game is played for hours, some for days, and you, with your new “design”, have torn out their eyes in the truest sense of the word.


Yeeeep. This forum is basically just for us to vent since the devs do not care how we feel in the slightest.


Truly awful card design - hurts eyes… equals less play time


New design is painful to play. When it’s painful to play, I don’t want to play anymore. When I don’t play, I don’t spend any money on the game. Is that what the devs wants? Do they want me to quit?


The person who finally destroyed this game for older, visually impaired/ handicapped people as well as for tose with other health problems like migraine must be the same genius who brought us the transparent board background years ago, which caused the same health related problems. Some may remember.
I’m playing on a 32" tv and I will not be able to continue with this game under these conditions.

I don’t know if this really helps, but my recommendation for everyone, given the ignorance against us players here, is to submit a ticket to the owner of their Platform, Microsoft in my case, and report about health issues caused by one of their games.
That’s what i did then and i will do now…


Functionality over aesthetics!!! What’s more aesthetically pleasing to you, isn’t for everyone else. Why change the troop layout to look like they do in so many other games? This isn’t those games, if I wanted to see it like that I would go play those games instead. Enemy troop armor/health is such an important part of battles, that those stats should be big and right up front to EASILY SEE.


My interface looks good to me! : r/ProgrammerHumor


This is the final straw for me. After playing for a while after the update I just can’t stand the awful redesign. I can’t stomach having to look at it every single day. I won’t abandon my guild during Guild Wars out of courtesy for them, but I’m definitely quitting once this week is done.

I highly suggest anyone unhappy with this stop spending money on this game if you are. The only thing these companies understand is money. They don’t care about how the people who keep their game alive feel about anything. As long as you pay they’re happy to ignore you.

Unfortunately, with how these predatory practices work there are many players who are hopelessly addicted and can’t stop spending money. Even so, perhaps the people who CAN stop paying can make a difference if they choose to stop spending money on this game.


If only they would of given us this option back when they changed the looks of things the 2nd time :frowning:

I just realized what’s wrong. I felt that something had changed, but I couldn’t figure out what. Just like the Mandella effect. Devs swapped the colors of half of the troops. :joy:

It’s not a problem, but it’s just unusual and unclear for what.

2023-07-21 020758
2023-07-21 020822
2023-07-21 020847


That’s actually a good thing. Now the same 2 or 3 colours all have the same layout.

You know what’s crazy? It’s been 2 days, 2 new threads related to the new design (the most viewed threads too), and not a single reply from anyone on their team.

Your feedback matters.


Neat find. Now I’m curious…

For six-colored Troops:

  • Previously, the colors were arranged (clockwise, starting from “1 o’clock”) as: Red, Brown, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple. (This version was also shown for any Campaign tasks involving specific Mana Colors)
  • Now, they are arranged in their “canon” order: Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Purple, Brown.

For 3-color Troops (e.g. most Mythics):

  • The “first” color is always displayed in the top-left. The second color is located in the top-right; third color is placed at the bottom.
  • The colors are always arranged in canonical order: Blue → Green → Red → Yellow → Purple → Brown.
  • That is to say, Blue (if present) is always on the top-left and Brown (if present) is always on the bottom.

For 2-color Troops:

  • Again, this follows the canonical order (from left to right): Blue → Green → Red → Yellow → Purple → Brown.
  • Blue is always on the left side; Brown always on the right.

No, that’s actually not crazy. Remember there’s at least two levels of “telephone” between us and the people who actually make decisions and plans for the programmers to implement.



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Not the place I was expecting it to happen but I’ll take it.

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This card design goes against every single UI design principle. Reading the patch notes where they say “we think it’s more aesthetically pleasing” showcased a level of ignorance I could not quite believe. The cards are now cluttered with important details so difficult to distinguish it literally sucks the fun out turn-by-turn. There was nothing wrong with the old card design, it was precise and easy to keep track of things. God I hope this gets reversed, and soon.


Thing is, the troops really LOOK more aesthetically pleasing, I actually like the design. However, it’s terrible to PLAY with them, because it’s incredibly difficult to see information relevant for playing. If Gems of War were a screensaver instead of a game I’d give the update a top score.


I would put this in a broader way and say, that it is difficult to read or concentrate on things.

While the small and displaced health/armour numbers are the main aspect, that is (rightfully) criticised, there are still as well the elements, that the spell and trait texts are given background colours matching the mana, and the very intensive flashing status effect markers. Two “improvements”, that can and do cause headaches or worse.

They may “fix” the update by increasing the size of the numbers somewhat (and most likely killing the card layout along the way), if the player and money flow numbers mirror the reactions. Let’s not let them get away with that.
There is so much wrong with this update, visually as well as feature-wise (the new event mechanics seem to be almost completely forgotten already), that an improvement on one end, even if it’s the worst, does not make it something worth celebrating.

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Pretty sure we’ll read more about that when they go live next week.