Card Redesign

I’ll add my two cents. For me, the most critical screen is in battle, which is where we need to look at troops most of the time. So comparing before and after:


  • the indicator to show troop is ready to cast, I like that
  • pretty, I kind of like the “a rainbow has puked all over the cards” aesthetic :sweat_smile:


  • smaller font makes it harder to see all of the numbers (this might be ok on PC, but on mobile it’s not)
  • harder to quickly gage how much life+armour a troop has. I use this all the time to determine who to cast a spell on, I want to know if the spell can take them out. Previously, armour and life were right above each other, making them easier to quickly add up. With the “heart” icon in between the two (now smaller) numbers, it’s harder to do. I find it really hard to tell the difference between an almost dead and full life troops now.
  • it’s harder to tell troop colours - because everything is so colourful, it all kind of blends together and the mana circles don’t stand out
  • harder to tell who has more mana - again, because everything is so colourful and the fonts are smaller, it’s hard to tell the difference between troop with 3/4 mana and troop with no mana. Previously, the mana circle was more prominent and with the white mana values on it, was a good indicator for this.
  • coloured text on coloured troops for mana values, craziness, so much harder to see
  • the trait indicators seem unnecessarily obtrusive, especially on untraited troops

Some of this might be because I’m comparing UI/UX that I’ve been using for years with a brand new one. Maybe after a month of using it, it won’t be so bad. But while visually more pleasing, in terms of usability and accessibility, it feels like a huge downgrade :disappointed:


If the redesign was just an aesthetic thing, it would be easy to dismiss these criticisms. People have preferences and everyone’s entitled to their opinion.

However this is not just a case of aesthetics. We have people joining the board just so they can complain about the updated cards, along with people who havent posted in ages. This should tell you that your users are hacing a real issue with these graphics.

I play on both phone and console and in both cases im atruggling to make out what the numbers say on the card.

Noone wanta to see their hard work go to waste, so please give us the option to revert graphics back to the old atyle…


This is definitely 100% correct, The developers have seem to forget most people that play this game are older generations. This does hurt them and starts to force people to quit the game because they cannot see what they are doing. I would like to propose an idea. The idea is to have an option where the older generation folks can choose whether they want the old graphics or the new graphics. That way everyone is included not just geared for the new generations. Please consider this proposition


I don’t believe that’s true. I think they don’t engage here much but I’ve definitely seen requested things just quietly get implemented.

I don’t post here often, but I am bothering to say that I really dislike the new card design.
Very hard to look at compared to how it was (I’m on xbox).


Add the ability to choose a design in battle.

Changes like these should come with an option in the settings so players can choose the older card layouts - whichever they may prefer. IMO the best card layout were the one that the game had originally. Nothing has come close to them. Why experience, twice now, for something worse, you could just had stick with the original one all the way, with minimal adjustments as Traits card added etc.

This is not only my opinion. People are upset.


My guild mate made a thread asking for exactly that.

I like that the mana color circles stay on full troops but that could be kept either way.


On my tablet, I can read all numbers on the old design screenshots with ease.

The new ones not so much.

With some strain I can read some but not all (white on yellow? Illegible).


Agreed, I love that.

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Eika: Yep, pre-2017 design was the best. I think, I said so a couple of times today already. I miss that.
If they had brought something like that back, the general feedback may have actually been positive for once. But I guess, according to various algorithms, that’s just not flashy and modern enough.

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If I could, I’d like your post ten times. Only once allowed, though. That’s the best summary of what’s wrong with this new look.
I like the concept, I like the idea, I’m not against the change as such. But the execution… nope. :frowning: It’s too bright, everything is flashing, everything blends and blurs.

Dear devs, you work hard on spell art - why hide it under all the borders and extra animation? Why the “ready to cast” indicator is so huge? Why is it blinking so fast (at 4x speed)? You work hard on troop art - why hide it under all the borders and a gazillion animations for status effects? :frowning_face: Everything so bright and shiny that I find it difficult to look at it.


LOL The card redesign is terrible.


Haha. That happened to me too. Zuul was on the bottom and I didnt even see him for about 3 moves. Luckily he didnt fill on me

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good old days.

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Buffed health/armor are pretty hard to see for green troops, and I assume debuffed for red troops are just as bad. I don’t even have any vision impairments.

Also, whose brilliant idea was it to hide the health and armor in the back on a multicolored background, and make “how many traits I have” the most prominent piece of information when I look at a troop in battle? Whoever is was needs to never be allowed to make decisions again because that is one of the dumbest UI decisions I’ve seen in gaming, and definitely the dumbest one I’ve ever seen in Gems.

The only good visual change to me is looking at a troop outside of battle. The in-battle changes are just absolute trash across the board, except maybe the new indicator for when a troop has full mana, but even that is disliked by so many that the best I can say is that it just isn’t awful.

Adding this whole patch to the growing list of why the devs need to just kill the game off if they can’t be bothered to do anything ever for the players.


Simple really is BEST

-It is Scientifically easier to process. Here’s why.
• Your retina converts visual
information into electrical impulses, which it then sends to the brain.
These impulses transmit color and light information.
• The more color and light variations are on the page (visual complexity), the more work your eye must do to send the impulses to your brain.
Your brain must then work harder to translate and store the information.

-Visual Processing
•Mathematical calculations have been used to prove every demographic prefers aesthetically pleasing visuals.

-Sensory Overload
•Every element communicates information; communicate as much as possible with as little as possible.

-Cognitive Overload
• This occurs when your brain tries to process too much information. This can occur over a period of time or in an instant.

Okay, okay, so there’s some science/ psychology/marketing behind my added request for change. Why is this important?

*Demographic is 30-50, middle aged players. We need eye exams already :nerd_face:. * Exposure effect causes humans to relate positively to things in which they are frequently exposed. GOW PLAYERS have A LOT of screen time. Maybe we tend to hate chance when often times we should not. However, many suffer from visual impairments, sensory overload, etc. GOW PLAYERS may blow up the forums over the most trivial matter; however, I hope you all consider a revision back to the former layout and design. Significant changes to reduce the “clutter” if nothing else. In a world where the almighty “neon screen” is worshipped (phones, tablets, social media, computers, tv, etc.), the game should be aesthetically pleasing in a manner that only brings players back to the game time and time again.



I’ve heard nothing but NEGATIVE feedback from the new card design and I couldn’t agree more.
I think this post pretty well summarizes the community’s feelings toward the redesign.

I think the biggest concern for me is the health and armor values being too small and/or difficult to read because of green/red overlap with the banner. This isn’t just a “things changed and I’m angry” issue, it’s potentially discriminatory to people with color blindness.

I’ve come up with two options that could help to fix this issue relatively easily.

  1. Just move the health and armor NUMBERS over the Heart and Shield Icons and enlarge them to take up a bit more space on the left of the card to make them easier to read.

  2. Remove the mana colors from the banner on the left and instead use the card’s elite ranking to determine the color of the banner. Ex. Gold, silver, bronze, and “empty”. This solution helps to solve another issue with the visual appeal of the elite rank. Maybe consider incorporating the card rarity in here as well.

  3. Also not mentioned here is the trait “diamonds”. These need to be replaced with the symbols from the traits like they were before. This is vital information for players and removing the extra identifier to tell WHICH traits are actually unlocked on the troop.


Agreed 100%. Did they even take ANY player feedback on this first? who said there was even a problem with the old design to have to change? I get that we are going to complain about ANYTHING changing that we were used to but COME ON! Health is impossible. rarity still can’t tell how to tell yet Ik there are beta testers - was this not tested or feedback not taken?


I’m over 45. I can’t see anything now. I have no idea what the damage is, how much mana, etc. I think they underestimated the age of their player base.

I’ve been playing for over 5 years and this is the first time I’ve seriously thought about quitting.