Can't wait for PvP2.0

Actually the 2.0 update caused a nice upswing in both retention of new players and engagement of existing players, so we’re pretty happy with how it’s worked out.


But dont you see how it actually slows down newer players progress severely compared to endgame players being able to just rack in optimal profit?

How does it slow down newer players?

It doesn’t. My wife’s account is new, still under level 40, and the system works great. Mostly 2-Trophy fights and the occasional 1-Trophy

Brandonwiker just gave a solid example of a firsthand newer player experience of pvp 2.0

Loving the new update. Great work Devs

i dont think this game is about catching up to other players
its about just developing the account and that was boosted greatly by pvp 2.0 to all players not just the more developed ones

I don’t know @TaliaParks I only go for 3 option xD
And I @wskill mythics should be as strong as they are. They are mythic after all. And still they cause you to lose once every 100 battles so it’d very acceptable.

@TaliaParks how are you feeling about the pvp 2.0 now that its up?

Thanks for the update, works great :slight_smile:

Personally I like it. Been staying in the top 100 and getting a TON of Trophies. I only fight the same 12-15 players though

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