Campaigns of Greed

I personally got the armor deal not because I’m a “whale”, but because the cost/benefit at the time was VERY good and in the long run it keeps “generating profit” for me. And that’s taking into account that my country’s economy made it even more costly, I think it was like “155ish Royal Bananas” in brazilian currency back in the day… I’ve spent a bit more too to get access to Vip 5 and all things considered that was a good deal.

But well, they keep trying to execute this masterplan to make more profits while shoving aside real improvements to the game to deliver watered down events and later they might wonder what went wrong that their players are not satisfied…


@Razzagor - Very well said.

(“Royal Bananas”, LMAO!)

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Pets are used to boost kingdom power levels. A level 20 pet for people that struggle on delves and can’t get very pet event is totally welcome. Pets also reward resources for level ups like gems and orbs. A level 20 will quicken some of that; you could say it’s more resources to consider for the $10 elite you pay for.

Also, living card games are not for “clock watchers”. Balancing, fresh mechanics, testing, possible bugs (for digital games), among other various tasks are constant.

I feel the $10.00 is fair for what they provide, and considering I enjoy most of what the game offers.

Balance! Fresh Mechanics! Bug fixes!


Thank you, I had a long day, 110* in my shop, 95% humidity. I needed some comedy.

Also pets are useless. They provide completely useless adds. They may be required for kingdoms, but lets be real, they are only required for that to create another progress wall. Progress walls don’t make a pet useful.


What? You’re clearly referring to a different “card” game which implements these procedures.

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I think that it would work better if the folks that coughed up the $10 get all the stuff each week without having to grind and folks that grind get the same rewards except the mythic and pet of course. Not having to do it would be worth the $10 in my opinion. :sunglasses:. Could also have it where folks that do not pay the $10 could skip the grinding for a week for $1.


$10.99 and $1.10. Don’t forget the Xbox tax you paid, if you paid it.

“Curse them. Curse the 505 board and their army of developers. They say it is a campaign. A campaign for what? Avarice, Indifference, Boredom. We must resist them. We must resist this plague upon our kingdoms”. Street preachers thruout Grosh-Nak.

Join the Horde, or be crushed by it.


Bruh. It’s a LCG plain and simple. LCGs require constant testing and balancing. Seems clear as mud to you though. So, whatever. :slight_smile:

Whaha man. Ur the perfect target market.