Hi there,
So, remember during patch 1.09, when the Hero Class bonuses were active in The Arena, and it made it unplayable? Well, we have a similar bug now (on top of the Transform mechanic bug which brings troops with active Traits to the Arena - often Legendaries, to boot).
What you were expecting to happen…
Playing a normal Arena run, on a level playing field as the saying goes. =)
…and what actually happened?
Well, my Hero has 11 attack, 23 HP, 18 Armor, and 8 Magic, which is all much more than it usually should in Arena.
It’s not the Hero Class bonuses, as I’ve switched from Necro to Meca during a run just to test it, and the bonuses were the same, regardless of the Class Perk activated, and the color synergy.
Here, you can see that weapons of any color will get at least +2 Magic compared to what I normally have in Arena: St Astra gives +8 Life rather than +6, etc.
I’ve faced a level 800 something whose Hero had 12 attack, 26 HP, and his War and Peace dealt 8 dmg to all enemies. Now a Level 200 something with 11 attack, 25 HP, and a Crescendo which starts at 5 dmg…
Here, look at this level 261’s stats:
<img src=“//cdck-file-uploads-us1.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/flex019/uploads/gemsofwar/original/2X/e/e868b79a7dd3bea2810ae77ce099e444926edb75.png” width="690"height=“398”>
And here’s Archenassa, Level 1025, in her current run:
Not quite sure what the exact issue is, here, or why it affects players differently, and some not at all, but in any case, this is broken and completely disrupting the Arena gameplay.
Could you please look into it so Arena is playable again soon? Thanks in advance.
One more for the road (see how my opponent’s Hero has completely normal stats compared to mine?)…