A weird issue with Lust

Platform, device version and operating system:
Steam client
Windows 7

Screenshot or image:

What were you expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I expected that one of the Lusts will charm my troop and make it fire on my own troops.
I lost none of my troops yet, I had all 4 troops available at that time. The screenshot is showing this.
My top troop was transformed, then I saw a message that no targets are available when it was supposed to damage two of my troops or so. My Hero Class was Thief, Level 40+.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Unknown. It did happen once during the PvP (Ranked) match.

Steps to make it happen again:

  • Use the team in the screenshot. (First transformed troop is the Webspinner.)
  • Enemy Hero was using the Orbweaver Class with Death and Life weapon.

What was your hero class? Did you happen to have a barrier active prior to Lust’s cast?

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Had that happen to me too once yesterday. I don’t think one of my troops got transformed, so “charmed troop getting transformed” might not be a good explanation.

Skeleton Key team, Assassin hero at 6/7 talents, so no barrier.

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My Class was Thief, Level 40+.

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You’re a bit confusing now.

My Webspinner troop got transformed by Lust into the Succubus.
I heard that sound and saw that message, where there are no targets available to use the Charm ability.

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Both Lusts probably targeted first troop in the moment it “died” before being replaced with Succubus. When Succubus spawned there was no targeted first troop to deal it’s damage to adjacent troops.
I would guess that this started happening after targeting rework that fixed Tina, Infernus etc…

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Lust’s spell and her third trait are different. When the spell cast, it would not have triggered the third trait because no troop on Lust’s team died.

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Oh, right, it shouldn’t trigger at all. I use Obs too much against Lusts :smiley:
Then maybe Thief class triggered a summon? But there was no spot to fill.
What are your talents set to @Koromac?
Probably because of Backup talent


Lust charms an enemy then has a 40% chance to transform them in to a Succubus.

Koromac’s hero (doomed club) has taken damage to armor (most likely from the charm). After which the transform would have triggered resulting in the first troop being transformed.

@Koromac what talents did you have set or could you paste your team share code?

Transform triggering a summon seems most likely.


I am not sure, because I changed them recently to have no backups.
Team that I was using (probably) still had Backup talent enabled, but I am not 100% sure about this.

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Hard to say if I had the Backup telent active or not during that battle.
I got annoyed with the Backup talent recently, so I switched it off to something else.

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@Koromac Could you post a screenshot of your team at the start of a battle, so we can tell how much armor is missing?

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That could be a problem. I only took the screenshot after this issue occurred.

Sometimes I wish that there would be a replay file or feature that would be stored on your local drive, just for such cases.


Any screenshot showing the team above at the start of a battle will do.

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Sadly, like I said, I don’t have anything else.
The only difference would have been my starting statistical data shown and the Webspinner on the top.

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This. So much this.

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You should get a screen recording software that allows you to save the last 15 or 30 seconds of gameplay. For example, Windows 10 has it built in with the Xbox Game Bar. There’s probably other free software out there that can do the same thing.

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Just start a new PvP battle and take a screenshot. It’s for reverse engineering what might have hit your hero, e.g. whether it could have been your Weaver or the Succubus we see in the first slot.

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I have this, OBS Studio, but my Hard Drive is very basic and limited.
I have only 50% of space left out of 1 terabyte of space, that’s a bit less than 500 GB.

With my current recording settings, my file could have taken at least 200 mb of space for each 3-5 minute battle. Count thousands of thousands of battles and hours I spend in this game, and it could bring a dozen gigabytes or more each day, not to mention all the time spent on managing the files.

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Also, the developers have tools at their disposal that we don’t have.
They can replicate several possible scenarios, and determine if this was a bug or not.

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