A Case Study on End-Game Players - COMPLETED

#Case Study After Day 1 (8/18 12:50 a.m. cst) UPDATE

LEVEL: 633 → 640
GOLD: 276 → 145364
GLORY: 0 → 583
GEMS: 7 → 276 {170 via Guild, 36 via Tasks}
SOULS: 124215 → 127610 {100 via Guild}


Invasions: 4855 → 4900
Defends: 1107 → 1117
Challenges: 0 → 15
Quests: 0

MAPS: 71 → 80 {none via Guild, none completed}

Gold: 0 → 83
Glory: 0 → 193 {192 via Guild}
Gem: 0
Event: 27


Day 1 was about an average day for me (60-80 battles daily), I was able to complete my Tasks quickly and move on straight to PvP.

Resisting the overwhelming urge to use my resources has been pure havok for my combined ADHD/OCD :wink:


I’m having similar problems, I typically take everything down to 0 after a new Kingdom releases. With the new information about the accelerated releases on the way, I’m trying to keep most of them.

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Yeah, until we know HOW they plan to implement this, I’ll be “fear-hoarding” as well, no matter what.

Patience and planning is worth it in GoW. Impatience usually equates to spending money and/or falling behind.

@TaliaParks @Strat Normally I save 5000 keys and spend the rest, but because of the update I will be doing the same and spending glory sparingly. With gems I try to put half of them towards the guild for gold and the rest i save.

In fact, I am thinking of positing to the guild, that ALL gem be put towards gold. If EVERYONE does it, we will actually be better off then not doing it. The problem is we can’t even get guild mates to stop putting points into maps and souls once in awhile, so I feel this would be difficult to achieve.

What do you think TaliaParks? Think we can get Claus and the rest of the guild on board for that?

Don’t worry this is a common “problem”. I’ve noticed one of the top contributors in our guild does this occasionally. But considering his donations overall I figure let him spread the gold around if it makes him happy.

I have no authority in the Guild and I’m not allowed to cross that line anymore. However, I do agree with you completely

You may want to start saving gems for Event Chests. It appears that new Legendaries will not appear in Glory Packs for the foreseeable future, at least for PC/Mobile. They will appear in that Kingdom Event Chest for the week it’s released.

It also seems quite inefficent to be selling gems just to input gold back into the guild

Is it worthwhile to have some more people offer up this data, for example an end-game player on mobile/pc or such like? Purely voluntary ofcourse.

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It would be very good

Could you add an estimate of time played each day as you go? I know you multi-task a certain amount, but a rough idea would be helpful, I think.

Also, when you are PVP’ing, do you select opponents to maximize gold or just take whatever comes?

Excellent point. I’ll add that information to my posts, although they will be rough estimates. Day 1 was approximately 4 hours.

As for PvP, I shoot for Gold and set a minimum based on what I see available. Then I’ll battle anyone and everyone that meets that minimum.

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Cool, thanks.

I’m getting more selective about minimum gold but still have no idea how these things are determined. It seems like the available gold is higher on lower level players at the start of the week, then gradually diminishes. By Sunday or Monday, I have a hard time finding an opponent worth more than 500 or 600. Yesterday, I could find plenty over 1200, and usually they were 50-100 levels below me. I know a certain amount of that is determined by how long since they last collected tribute, but given that lots of people are playing, you’d think it would be relatively consistent.

Yeah, certain times my minimum goes as low as 600 as well. Early morning and late night usually equates to a 1,000 minimum, so I try and rush an hour or two in at those times

Oh, that’s interesting. I hadn’t noticed any correlation to time of day, but that could potentially explain it. Gold might build up during ‘quiet hours’ if fewer people are playing. I just assumed that play was relatively evenly distributed around the clock, but that probably isn’t true.

An official explanation of how it is determined would be good

I have received an official explanation that there will be no explanation.

I’ll post a link if I can find it.

Edit to add:

This was more about the steal and recover calculation, but you can see the reference to ‘so many variables’ and that the difference between player levels is important. That’s probably the best we’ll get.

No need, I believe you.

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Are your remaining non-mythics mostly:
a) newer cards that you haven’t had enough time to collect enough copies of,
b) commons that just require an incredible number of duplicates to get to mythic (and aren’t picked up by the glory keys that you get from your guild),
c) legendaries (low drop rate overall), or
d) something else?

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I’ll list them.

8 Legendary; Crimson Bat (need 2), Ghiralee (need 3), Hellhound (need 31), Herald of Chaos (need 10), Imp of Love (need 5), Marid (need 2), Succubus (need 42), The Silent One (need 2)

1 Epic: Roc (need 119)

1 Ultra Rare: Quasit (need 175)