6.7 Update: Krinklemas

Thanks for updating Switch, very fast. Also thanks for this update, awesome stuff!!

That would have been nice, but to me the ratio remains 65% useless items to 35% useful items both before and after the update, so I can’t complain.

I love the new add ons it will help us all out greatly. Thank you for these new updates! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::grinning:

Obviously not a critical point, but why do you need to limit these warband offers when there is a scroll bar on the bottom of the screen now? Just have them all be available all the time.


Ah, I was not expecting this update to hit Switch until closer to Christmas itself.

Okay, here are some of my quick reacts:

  • Why was “Level Up” separated from other upgrades again? I like the new look of the Upgrades menu overall, but at least keep Level Up in the ribbon alongside its counterparts.
  • You removed the “wraparound” on the level upgrade arrows – e.g. if I have a Lv.1 troop and hit the left arrow then in previous versions it would wraparound to the troop’s level cap (whatever it was) and this was handy for quickly upgrading troops to certain level thresholds (Lv.1 → Lv.15 in particular, sometimes in just 1 or 2 clicks instead of … 14) when I’m trying to optimize Soul usage between troops, but now it does nothing.
  • With non-Mythic troops, is there really a need to display a popup if the user attempts to scroll the level past a troop’s current Level Cap? Just disable the upgrade button with a notice that you need to Ascend the troop before you can upgrade its level further.
  • Maybe remove the “Level Up” button entirely for Lv.20 troops?
  • Wait, do we not need to unlock all 3 traits anymore before a Lv.20 troop is eligible for Elite Levels? I thought the previous upgrade menu said something along the lines of “you must fully ascend, level, and trait a troop” but I can’t confirm…

Now a more general UI idea, when you have a scrollable region (like on the Troop Ascension menu) you might want the region to not be an exact integer multiple size of the items inside it. Compare:

  • The Troop Ascension menu (and counterparts, e.g. weapon upgrades) provides width to show exactly, precisely 3.0 entries wide. As a result, it’s actually easy to miss the fact that this region is even scrollable.
  • Soulforge scrollable lists tend to be about 4.8 items tall (note the +0.8), and the last item being slightly cut off actually helps better communicate that this region is scrollable.
  • Maybe add some small internal padding to the edges of the scrollable region, with a gradient fade along it to help convey that the region scrolls in that direction. (Ack, this is difficult to explain in just words.)

seriously, why ingot orbs? is that some kind of punishment?


Yes, please change this devs. The names are extremely generically unnatural. :sweat_smile:


The update kinda looks weird on the switch. Go to your troops to see what I mean. Also forging orbs are confusing. Basically they made new orbs that are confusing and redid the layout for the troops on switch.

…because some of us actually need them?

If it doesn’t benefit you personally, that’s fine – just don’t pretend to speak for everyone else.

Everyone needs ingots for an extremely short time; then the rate at which you passively gain them is much higher than the rate at which you gain weapons. No player anywhere near endgame needs ingots, unless they don’t do delves or the one elite task that gives epic ingots. The ingot orb eventually (quickly) becomes another of of growth.

The other new orbs will always be useful and very valuable. A major pet orb saves you 3k gems on a holiday, the medal orbs are equivalent to dozens of hours of Nysha farming, etc.

Ingot orbs feel bad, and make the update worse.


Do you really need ingot orbs?

Common, Rare, and Ultra-rare ingots are pretty common.

The moment you start doing The Underworld at all, Legendary and Mythic ingots becomes really really common.

So, the only bottleneck is Epic ingots… and there arent even all that many epic weapons. The moment you join a guild that can do Epic tasks, Epic ingots stop being a problem too.

Ingot orbs are a long term setback for very short term gains, at best. The only people that “need” ingot orbs can’t get them, because they’re a 10% rate from chaos orbs and 6% from major chaos orbs and they’re level 100 or less and still starting the game.

Forging orbs are useful at least.


sigh. what did you do NOW, renovatio, and why do we all have to suffer for it?

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they should make forge orbs forgable with ingot orbs. maybe 10 ingot orbs to make one forge orb.

and with all the improvements, they could have at LEAST fixed the elite upgrade screen.

devs,if you are reading this, the color scheme for the levels is WAY too muted, you can’t really tell silver from none. change the color of the no medals, make if more muted, and make the colors for bronze silver and gold pop more.

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I still haven’t come across this guy, he’s just like his cousin the cursed gnome… oh brother :upside_down_face:

Might be a bit late to ask, but outside of gnome rushes, are there separate chances to encounter gnome A, B, C and so on (of course only one per fight), or is there a flat chance to encounter any gnome and, if it occurs, subchances for the different kinds?
In the second case, how much did the different chances of the preexisting gnomes suffer from the influx of new ones?

It is just the rng that is used everywhere in the game and rigged against the player. nothing was specifically changed.

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/me points at the text at the bottom

This does happen in at least ten different kingdoms to a varying degree, and the trait screen has the same issue.
Am I really the first to notice this? Even with the ever so busy development team, that should be possible to fix in under a minute.


Did GAP in PVP, same shitty results. Not even a Cursed gnome. Dragonite Gnomes, AFAIK, don’t exist.

Do some GAPs and hit a vault event and you shouldn’t need them any longer. Ingots are a resource that can be farmed.

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