3.5 feedback and suggestions

Oh, jeez, I’m getting sick of doing these. So, I’m just going to do a short list

  1. Talent Tree is good in theory. Some things are even pretty useful. Other things like random buffs to troop types that you would never use with that class are basically useless

  2. As Tacet pointed out in another thread, the soul value (or however you would word that) for converting ingots is insanely expensive. Also, a lot of the weapon “upgrades” either are close to useless or do more harm than good. And, given their price to even get those upgrades, I expected better.

  3. Kingdom stars are okay I guess. But, 99% of my kingdoms are “locked” at their current level until you add a bunch more stuff into the game, like hero classes that don’t exist yet, more troops from some kingdoms (or even more accessible one). I mean, come on, the only way I can currently up Broken Spire is if I have Zuul’Goth? You have got to be kidding me.

  4. I don’t know, man. A lot of this seems okay in theory. But, in my opinion, most of it is needlessly complicated (ironic, considering the goal was clearer and easier to understand). Also, while I like talents, as a whole, a lot of them are pointless for the class they’re in.

  5. Us end-game players have to basically upgrade our hero classes all over again (man, I already did this crap once), so we’ll be needing to switch them a lot to finish them. But, what’s still in place? A 50 Gem class switching penalty. Nice touch. Encourage us to switch classes to finish new content you decided to put in the game, but at the same time, penalize us for actually doing it more than once a day. Bravo. And, yes, before anyone says anything, I know why it’s still there. But, that doesn’t make it right.

  6. Final thoughts. Overall, I think this update had great potential, but it’s execution was pretty poor. All in all, I give it a 5/10. Basically, the same number ive given the last few updates, because I feel they’ve all been lukewarm, at best.

Have a good day, everyone.

Edit: I forgot to add something. I see the rest of you got our Daily Tasks with minimal changes. Hope you all enjoy those 100 souls from them 8 Khetar battles. Lmao.