3.2.5 Feedback and suggestions

Yeah I have to download a ton of troop images for some reason but I’m drinking beer and playing Pokemon instead so I’m dealing with it


Can I please have back the activity filter in the guild roster? It’s easier for GM to determine lazybones. Thank you for listening.


A year ago, when clicking Hero button, it would send you to Masteries tab. People suggested to make the Inventory tab opened by default, and devs implemented this feature. That was a nice QoL upgrade.
Now… it’s back to Masteries tab. I’m literally disappointed with this update.

EDIT: However, there’s a lot of good things introduced here. GW defense reset, download assets, 200 gold keys, etc.

EDIT2: Make guild roster filter Descend order by default. I don’t want to see the lowest contributors, I want to see highest ones.



At least add some background picture. This is too dull.

Previously we had lively mellow colors, eye catching design. Man, I miss the old days.


EDIT4: Trying to see more good points…
Legendary troop packs in the shop, first I was glad to see it in patch notes, but now that I see its price… nevermind, an option to buy missing Leg is good. 50 event keys probably makes up for that price.

VIP progress description is good, now it’s easy to see cumulative benefits from its levels.

Check this spelling, devs.

EDIT5: Vertical display for chest drops is good. I like how troop’s name color represents its rarity.

EDIT 6: Sparkles and explosion on board are not too annoying. At least for me. I can easily adjust my screen brightness.
What annoys me is that Frozen status effect is really hard to notice now. I can already see myself mistakenly going for 4+ match, ruining my GW battle. Oh, I can already see myself raging over that.

EDIT 7: Burn status effect. Now it’s harder to see troop’s life and attack.

EDIT 8: Damage from spells are now displayed in darkish red. Harder to read. Burn makes it even more harder.


Please bring back 1 key chest opens for Gem Keys and Event Keys.

1 at time for Event Keys is my preference for finishing up ultra-rares I needed or pulling a new legendary. Never liked pulling 50 at a time for those

1 at a time for Gem Keys so we don’t have to open 10 Gem keys to finish the open 3 Gem Keys Daily Task on console.


The banner selection is really bad with the sidescrolling.
Not sure how we can improve this, the community requested more art in the menus so we’ve got more art on banners now. Compromise was with the horizontal scrolling

In the legendary tasks menu, the “all tasks completed” in the upper right window is…unreadable. The grey is WAY too faint.

As expected, everything got way more goth than before. I miss troop images being displayed in the chest menu the most, I liked looking at them. Glad they’re still there in the kingdom menu!
They’re visible if you select the chest, you can see the type of cards you are most likely to win.

Guild chest upgrades confusing
What about having a “?” info icon at the top which explains what each amount of seals equates to and the new card icons?

Explore is missing the explanatory question mark what stones can be found there. Bad for newbies.
Evident in the image showing the trait stone and text that mentions trait stone

Your other feedback has been noted, just clarifying those things! :sun_with_face:

I kind of agree with you. The number does lower to 1 however when you have less keys, scaling higher when you have more.

Question - Which maps/kingdoms are people finding the board transparency most difficult?

Thanks everyone for your feedback, noted :+1:


Maybe I put it in the wrong thread but:

The $19.99 monthly bundle currently says it’s a $1 value, discounted 80%.

It should read it’s a $1 value, marked up 2000%.

Would you really argue it’s a $100 value to get a week’s guild rewards and 28 days of half Deathknight Armor? Because I’ve got some Magic cards I’d like to sell you.


The number don’t scale low enough.

To give you a practical example:

I’m currently sitting on 86 Event keys. I don’t consider that enough to get very far, especially when new Legendaries show up during an Event Week.

It’s already asking me to open 10/50/86 Event Chests.

To give a tie-in practical example: Merlantis is coming up as an event really soon. I already have the Kingdom’s Legendary to Mythic.

The only troop I need is 2 more Merlions. None of the higher rarities. There’s a good chance I may pull those 2 within 3-5 keys. 10 Event keys is overkill for what I wish to accomplish. Or maybe luck isn’t on my side and 10 isn’t enough. Maybe I only need 13? 20 Event Keys is really overkill on what I wish to do.


How about you all high five yourselves?

You Australians or whoever you all are destroyed everything.

I don’t care about all this BANANA SHIZZLES about making it all one unified program between Mobile and Console to roll out updates and making it smoother.

All this UI is for Mobile because their hardware cannot support what Console can do.

There is no reason on Gods’ green earth why Console has to be regulated to all these TERRIBLE graphic updates. Every last one of them is terrible. The game board, every menu screen, the absolutely ridiculous new animations, and the cards themselves! Everything is worse!

Console should have the option of pre UI changes to make the game back the way it was.
I want the old look back!!! NOW!!!
No reason not to. A console can easily handle it. And don’t give me all your banana SHIZZLES about anything telling me you can’t and post links to different reasons why you changed everything.

It’s time to stop kidding yourselves and stop messing with things that are not broken


Hello @bison ! I edited your post with funny words to take out the rude words. :scream:

Whilst we appreciate feedback there is not much we can do when it’s not constructive. Negative sentiment without any specific indication of how we can improve, do better, or details on what can be changed is as useful to as as having a car with no road to drive it on!

Can you provide some specific details about the ui, animation, board, menu screen etc? What can we do to improve, specifically (Other than changing it back to the old UI or using the old style, as mentioned this won’t be happening).

Good constructive comments include things like: Make trait icons on troop cards bigger, make the board less transparent, move XYZ to Z, etc. Thank you :sunny:


I would like to see the old Summoning Stone options brought back. It doesn’t have to replace the new system, but more of an either new or old choice at the same time would be splendid.

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You forgot to update the guild roster it has the boring black and white placeholder one


Frozen is impossible to see now. Today I cast a Giant Spider and got a 4 pair but lost my turn it wasn’t until I studied my troops and saw a few little dots on a purple troop that I realized I was frozen.


Like no actually I’m mad now.

If the $19.99 monthly bundle is implied as “$100 worth of content marked down 80%”, make this case for me:

I can buy Breath of the Wild and Stardew Valley for $90. Make the case for why a 28 day bonus in Gems of War should be valued on the same level as those games.

Kay-Bee toys was penalized heavily for this kind of false valuation and it drove them out of business.

I’m not saying it’s a shitty bundle, I’m saying you’re playing mind games that insult my intelligence. “A week’s worth of guild rewards and 50% bonuses for 28 days” is not worth “400 hours of Game of the Year content”. It’s worth about $10. And you’re charging $19.99 for it while claiming it’s worth $100.

I have a completely mint Zendikar Expedition Eye of Ugin. I opened it and immediately double-sleeved it and placed it in a top-loader. It’s in exactly the condition it was in when I opened it and it was valued at $275. I value it at $200, I’ll gladly sell it to you.

It was banned from constructed and I think Modern play 2 days later. You can currently acquire one for $35-$50. But I assure you my valuation of $200 is a 37% discount! Let’s trade PayPal details, GoW devs. I know you’re shrewd and understand my offer is a great deal.

  1. Frozen is awful.
  2. Don’t we now have some indicator for mana full troops?
  3. Option to swich off animation effects at all will be fine.
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I have 3 suggestions

Revert back to the old UI
Charge gems to revert back to the old UI
A $10 or $20 dlc that allows us to revert back to the old UI

I have 13k gems and I would happily spend every last one to make the game look good again


Fix the Wins as Losses GW bug for goodness sakes!!! Make Mythics and Legends more craftable each day/week in Forge. Restore Summoning Stones so they are worth a damn!



It looks like I’m one of the few going unaffected by the crazy amount of colorful animations happening in PVP.


On closer examination, it looks like all that color has just been drained from everywhere else in the game. All these new menus are so … grey … I mean, I’m gonna be spending 90-95% of my time in PVP, but still!

I mean, the Guild Wars menu somehow has some additional color in it. It has highlights, it has bits that aren’t grey or just dark. I thought this area, being released in a prior patch, was being partly used as a basis for the new stuff… guess not.


My computer restarted itself during an easy GW battle to update and when I came back it was a loss. When we close the game during a battle why can’t the game return us to that battle?

Short answer: developer time and security.

Longer answer: to prevent players from closing the game, performing some sort of edit in memory, and then reopening the game to make an easy win. There are surely ways to prevent/mitigate this, but they would require substantial amounts of development and testing, not to mention the fact that they would act as yet another security opening for someone sufficiently dedicated.


I’m going to second the option to turn off all particle effects in battle…all of them. And give us a background transparency slider for the battle map. The headaches are unbearable. This cannot wait for another client update, you need to hotfix this now.

Also, why give us the option to open 200 chests if it’s going to take 20 minutes to do it? I know you can skip, but I actually liked watching the chests open for the drama. It’s too slow. Again, let me turn off the animations to speed it up.