1.0.8 Preview Part 3 - Shop and Kingdoms

It’s a bonus that you cannot access but paying, and a good bonus: gold and XP… 50% or more… if yuo do a two level game: free and pay, the game will go worse. I hope it’s only this and this system won’t be increased more and more because could be the death of the game and the profit of course

So by playing more you can get the same exp and gold they get, I fail to see your point. We are here because we love to play this game, having to play a lot to get a lot isn’t a problem. As far as I know, and I played many, many games in my life, every game provides benefits to those who pays. But in other games benefits are extremely higher + pay players can get stuff that free players can’t. That’s a huge difference. So they get 2x times more gold and exp when they play a game. Well you’ll just have to play double more to have what they have, but they spent real money, you didn’t. Without anyone paying you wouldn’t have this game to play.

This VIP system maybe the beginning of this you are talking about, a huge difference only for pay, this is what I fear, but I hope not, i think they are clear people and know that too much handicap could be bad. Yes, if no one pay the game is over, of course, but i would prefer pay, for example, for purchase some troop you want nad don’t have yet… things like that but not permanent benefits, dont know is my mind about this, pay for something to have, but not for handicaps. Sorry for my bad english

VIP won’t directly affect the outcome of a PVP match. So it’s not P2W. End of story.


From what I’ve seen so far you get a permanent “speed boost” for money spent. Where others might need 20 battles, you get the same benefits for doing just 15 battles. Feels very F2P friendly to me, either work harder or pay more for the same results. P2W would be match rules directly getting changed by money payment only, like arena troops receiving an additional level for each VIP level, which quite thankfully I haven’t seen any trace of.

That new shop approach actually looks very promising. Premium currency still gets handed out very generously, which I really appreciate as F2P player. The VIP system offers a big incentive to spend a buck or three, which should keep the paychecks coming for the GoW team. And I can’t help to notice that the VIP system is both capped and permanent, the bonus is limited and never expires. In business terms, this is aimed at getting many players to invest a bit of money, not at milking them dry once they are hooked. Sounds like a win/win situation to me.


I like how they are doing the VIP system. I did invest some money in the beginning, however the $50 bundles didn’t seem like a good value. Some of the items I seen I would probably throw some money at. I particularly like the 15 gems a day for 15 days (or something similar). I wouldn’t play the game if it was pay to win so as long as they don’t start having exclusive troops you need to pay cash for or giving bonuses for money I am good. I’m just glad they are rewarding VIP points for people who have already put money into the game. This is my time kill and I was getting a little bored, but this has definitely renewed my interest and by introducing new troops/weapons every week like they have my interest will probably be here for another 500 hours. I just hope they do something with the hero. You would think they would be in more builds (with a few exclusions) but they are under-powered and don’t sync well with the bonuses. Arena seems about the best place for them.

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i like how the debate of keep keys or no and how am i going to get a mythic creature and i am just siting here thinking “i cant wait to get a bunch of commons to make into mythic so i can make hilarious defense teams like an all mythic peasant team or all mythic fortress gates team.” It wouldn’t even be overly expensive either. Ok it might but what can you do when you spend only for rare and common.

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1.0.8 Patch is probably where we are going to see more Mythic Commons than Mythic Legendarys ==

i cant wait for that. it is probable going to be so much fun. I wonder if anyone is thinking of teams they want to be mythic that are rare and below right now

Goblins, of course!
And maybe Earth Worms… eww.

There is one problem with that, who has 16+ Green Slimes? :cry:

I believe it isn’t in chests yet, meaning it is likely impossible for anyone to have double the magic for Karakoth. :frowning:

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i like the worms and goblins. once that patch goes live i proble will be reading for an hour or so just to re learn all the troops and possible see who might be in my teams or not

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All previously released event troops should be in chests tomorrow except for Anointed One iirc.

Update: Anointed One will be in chests; it is seasonal imps that will be missing. Proof.

Oh, didn’t know that. It will still be hard though. No one really has more than 2 of him, so basically only a Karakoth event week with event keys would be the only way of getting it quick. The VIP chest may also be able to get it quick if Green Slime is one of the rewards.

I know I’ll be reading all the passives on the less useful troops. I have so many troops I TRY to build competitive armies around, like Fenrir. He’s OK, but I find I never have beasts good enough for him since Sacred Guardian got reclassified Divine. Perhaps Mythic Dire Wolves will be the answer I’m looking for!

Mixed feelings about this. Spending money on the game already gives you a huge advantage (that IS the point, after all), so it seems a little lopsided to give even more advantages to it. On the other hand, the developers do need to make money and it’s not a bad idea to further incentivize spending money. I just hope it doesn’t lead to a huge degree of imbalance between those who spend and those who don’t (like me), because some of us just don’t have that kind of dough to just drop into a game (e.g., I can’t justify spending $50, which would buy me a console game, on a Kingdom pack, or buying other things I know will come to me over time like gems).

We don’t know for sure yet that maxing out a kingdom will require 100% of everything. As I said before, doing so and trying to maintain that status would eliminate the possibility of adding more than 8 troops per kingdom, which I thought was going to be a thing. Maybe. Hopefully.


For me, I play this game way more than I do any console game. I’ve logged thousands of hours among all the Puzzle Quest games, so to me, it’s an investment in my fun time.

I spent money on Marvel Puzzle Quest, before Gems of War was released on Android. I do feel a bit tricked by that game as it really doesn’t hold true to what I consider the spirit of Puzzle Quest. Gems of War does, and so I’ll support it.

Fair enough, but by and large the games I play on my phone are time-killers rather than investments for me, so with rare exceptions I never spend money on them. Now, if I had plenty of money lying around and no student debt to pay off, it might be a different story. lol