Worse than Bone Dragon: The Invisible Threat

That was my first thought, too.

What if the devs don’t even know about this miracle team?

I certainly don’t know Of any team that can crush every meta team on the hardest match in 1-2 turns…

And on a different note, If the devs made it worthwhile to take the time to go against less efficient teams then most people wouldn’t mind. In order to get anything (in a reasonable amount of time) in this game you need speed. Plus some people do have other things to do, like live.

Did she stay on the forums as well, to defend her statements?

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Yes please!

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I dont usually like me-me’s but that star trek one, loved it.

This was the best thread yet. Some comedians in here, especially those hiding the WMDs.

Honourable mention to @Dustin1280, you cut through a lot of the crap, pretty unique around here.


The way I understand the OP is: Playing the fastest most efficient team is boring. Playing a fun team is inefficient. Therefore I quit.

I totally understand that. The game gets quite boring once you got all kingdoms to 5+ stars, all troops to max level and so on… you could play other teams… other teams bring back the fun, they just added a new mechanic with the Blackhawk kingdom, and a team of Bronzelock pistol, Alchemist, Bonnie Rose, Finley is quite fun. So you need to rotate your teams. I usually play with 3-4 teams every day.

But the OP wants to be incentivized by the devs to use less efficient teams… and bringing back weekly events would help a lot here. Remember back when Rakshanin was added? Win a pvp match with Rakshanin and you got additional glory for a week. Back when that dwarfen dude was added? Win a pvp match with it and you get double traitstones from the match. That was fun.

But if you only incentivize players to play with the not most efficient team by adding to the rewards, this basically makes them more efficient - so no solution here.

With the new cosmetics added recently, the devs only see a new source of income cause some ppl buy those ‘rl money only packs’. That’s fair… they want to make some money from their efforts. But I believe it would be wiser to add content, even if it was cosmetics only, that was only obtainable by achieving something in an ingame event. How ever you want to implement that. Make a super hard quest line with 5-10 quests every week. Make limitations to what troops and or teams can be used in said questline to make it a challenge to complete it. And make the reward be something like an alternate model for Sheggra with flames around her head… make it be a new cosmetic for your hero… make it be new clothing… things that arent otherwise obtainable.

tl;dr: game gets boring if only played for most efficiency; that’s bad; give us a reason to play bad teams

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team bonuses?

obtainable cosmetic:

luther’s beard
win 250 games with luther


Having only one way to effectively play the game is the problem you are hitting on IMO. I know of one of the teams you speak of, it does trivialize all other defense teams. However, I think the only real solution is to fix arena, make maps worth while, and come up with another way to play the game that advances your guild. Facing team after team for an hour…losing maybe 1 game cause of luck… its not very interesting…

Ok, what if there was an overlay, additional metric added. So every team bonus is numbered right? Field a team with a total number of 3 and get a 2x reward multiplier. Field a team with 5 and get multiplier plus and additional stone drop.

Something like this would be awesome! :wink:

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If they made it so that playing 3 or 4 troops of the same kingdom or type gave extra rewards, it would incentivise 3xx, 4xx team builds, and the biggest question gets answered, which team reigns supreme. Which kingdom is the strongest?

4 unique troops. Not 4 of the same. That’s already changed for team bonuses.

Wouldn’t hurt to turn it back? 4x webspinner anyone?

Yeah no one would play 4 webs now days. Back then team bonuses ment a difference. Now we have so big stats no one cares about making a team to get a team bonus. If the team does get a bonus, great. If not, no one cares.
Maybe team bonuses should be buffed,


I mean, outside of OP, isn’t it good to share Overpowered teams? For the good of the community? Then others can look into counters to these teams and etc. I mean, when everyone was all Khorvash crazy, I went full Bunni-nog on them to counter that annoyance (meanwhile using Khorvash on my own time). Everything has a cycle. And if that meta stays around too long, the devs step in a bit (and not in knee-jerk form like some seem to want). So keeping a crazy good team secret and complaining that your secret team is ruining the game…is just counterintuitive. Either enjoy mowing down team after team (which is always what I’ve done when I find a lil secret in increasing exp/resources in other games…) or give out the team and say “hey guys…how can you beat this team?”

You guys really don’t get it, do you? Kuro found what was, for her, a game-destroying team. She was concerned about this mechanic and offered to share it with the devs if they were interested. Yet somehow, all she’s getting is a boatload of flak for not sharing the makeup of this team. “How pretentious,” you say. “Let us decide for ourselves,” you say.

Well, here’s the facts. Kuro created this team and she is under no obligation whatsoever to share it with anyone else. You’re not concerned about the effect on the game. You just want to use the best team you ever heard of that you didn’t create. ,

So here’s a suggestion: walk away from your Bone Dragons and your Manticores and try to do something creative yourself instead of bitching about what someone else doesn’t want to give you. Stop behaving like a pack of rabid wombats and act like people for a change.


There are many teams out there better than the manticore team, not worth sharing. I shared my team, it saw S&M redux, which given how it is almost impossible to build is one of the most trait stones i have every invested in. Now i am making a new map farming team, one that shall surpass my holy tyri team. I also have worked on a soul grinding team where speed is the foundation. I share my teams, only when i know they work for me. My play style gives strength to the teams i use, and we compliment each other. If there is a team that can destroy the meta, then use it, without obligation, if you use a team that is fun for you then use it, ignore the meta, and use it. Crush your foes, and win, and have fun winning, for what is winning if you do not enjoy and savor each move.


I need like just one thread of this caliber each week to keep me coming back to the forums. Good work, keep it up. :wine_glass:


But without sharing this infamous wonder team, readers of this thread won’t be able to judge for themselves, if what Kuro believes to have found is in fact a game destroyer, or if it is just another of the countless looping/transforming/infinite teams that many players have created an abundance of.

So this thread is simply pointless as it won’t achieve anything and taking a condescending tone won’t change that in any way.
At least with the remarks of the other posters it has become a source of entertainment, making me and others chuckle here and there. Thanks for that guys.


Repeating the same argument as those before you does not make it any more effective. Kuro doesn’t need your judgement of her team. I don’t read the OP as condescending as much as regretful. But I’m glad you got your chuckles from it while savaging a fellow player.