Bone Dragon Boycott

So the upcoming update/patch is supposed to include a fix to the bone dragon nightmare. For the past couple weeks, and until that point, I have been and will continue to completely boycott any defense team with bone dragon in it. No matter what trophy or glory bonus, I refuse to fight the bugger.

I know there are those occasions that all three options have BD in them, and then I just take the easiest option, although one does have the option to use gems to repack.

It may not make a difference, most people may not care, but this is my stand, and I’m taking it.


Have you tried switching to a one troop defence?


Sigh… I know a BD nerf is coming soon™, but I still find it irritating that this is the “accepted” response to BD overload. I’ve been passing over these and other cheese teams for months, mostly in an attempt to find variety. This is waaaay easier than it used to be. But do I really have to choose between putting up a silly, weak defense team and putting up an interesting defense related to the event?


I read this and thought it was an attempt to get the Devs to remove it from the game. I was gonna come with my pitchfork and my sign and blow horn all amped up ready to cheer ya on. :sweat_smile::laughing: (Honestly no)

I refuse to switch to a one-troop defense. It’s no fun at all. Also, I try to keep up a defense to help the community for event rewards.

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Have you tried the new common troop? It entangles enemy on hit. A bone dragon spell will only crush your armor and do 5-6 damage :wink:

I’ve been running a team with Sylvanimora, and skipping the BD teams with Manticore up front.

Excited to find out what new defense everyone will be complaining about after the next patch.


I used to do the same thing I even use to spend gems to repick because Bone Dragon teams get so boring after fighting them 100 times in a row but after I switched to a one troop defence I Don’t see Bone Dragon much anymore.

I don’t see the problem with him. He can be a pain in the ass if he gets a combo going, but he isn’t the huge problem everyone makes him out to be.

I think the most annoying troops are Emporer Korvash, Queen Mab and Famine. I see them in 2/3 of the teams I come across.


A lot of people including me complain more about him being EVERYWHERE. Before I switched to a 1 troop defence 90% of my 3 trophies were Bone Dragon with a combination of Wraith, Courage, Famine, Deep Borer and Manticore. Most of my 3 trophies were the exact same team with the ordering being the only difference. It gets extremely boring fighting the same team over and over and over again everyday for hours at a time.


Even better, let’s all of us make a Bone Dragon defense teams!
That would change the PvP completely,it would become PvNBd, Player vs Nervous Breakdown. Whoever has the strongest nerves,wins!

How about starting with Mercy who (if Empowered) will turn all Purple to Yellow, depriving BD. Another could be to use Sylvasi and another combination of looping troops to Steal sufficient Attack from the top Troop that Skull spam does nothing to you. Entangling the top Troop using Thorn Knight, Bogstrider, a Traited Sylvanimora, etc. You could use Psion and loopers to keep the AI side continually scrambling to keep above the rising Mana tide. Then there are all kinds of one-shot teams that use The Great Maw. Or Paladin and Golden Cog Hero Weapon. You can Disease the Bone Dragon… ideally just before one of it’s support troop fires off a spell creating browns/purple. Traited Gloom Leaf has died many a time to allow victory. Just some ideas.


Oh yes, there are a million ways to beat the troop. It’s not that it is hard, its that I am just downright TIRED of fighting those teams. So I decided not to. Plenty of other options, and that is what this is about. Changing my enjoyment of the game by taking those other options.


I feel ya… I put the comment there I guess more for others really. I’m sorry it probably seemed a bit insensitive to your post, because yes I too sympathize with it! I’ve been sick to death of BD like you for a looooong time!

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I share the pain. BD is just annoying not because he is difficult but rather because IF he fires, its almost always game over. I don’t mind losing to a good game, even to a lucky RNG fall at the END of a GOOD GAME, but losing because its race to see if I can kill BD before he triggers is just not fun, its tedious.


I personaly dont mind bone dragon. Is he the strongest troop in game for defense? Yes.
Should he be nerfed? Yes, and he will be.

But another troop needs a nerf, and thats wraith.
Its way to strong of a troop for its rarity. Death touch should taken out of its trait list.


I know it is only a matter of opinion, but can you explain why you feel that way?

I can say what my position has been so far but that it is definitely open to change based on new ideas.

My position so far has been that the Wraith is trivial to counter with Impervious and the whole raft of teams headed by it can be reduced to a heap of corpses with the appropriate build and board strategy.

I could be missing the bigger picture though. Is the troop mathematically way more potent than others? If this has been discussed before I’m sorry but I might have missed it. I would not expect you to re-type it so a link to a past comment would be great too. I mean… Dire wolf can do 4x damage (over 100) with a skull match (let’s not start on the possible ET too) so I don’t necessarily think that Common cards = automatically bad anymore.


I’m staying out of this one. All I can say is 3.0 can’t come fast enough. Bone Dragon is ruining not only game variety but also the weekly events.


Here is a great break down from not too long ago, I think it should give you most of what you are looking for @KrudlerTheHorse, although YOU were a part of this conversation too. :wink:

Thanks for the link. I have the memory of a fruit fly, sorry :hushed:

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