Raise your delve level to even a modest number and they flood in…
After I get to tier one I play Casual PvP, sometimes a few matches sometimes a lot. I don’t keep track.
I can go weeks without finding a pet gnome and then get two in one day.
It’s just luck.
Well, they randomly are here.
Feb 3-Feb 9 [628 games] : M (45); M (75); J (145); T (182); P (312; magmapillar); G (335); G (453); T (455); P (465; trogpole); G (621);
Feb 10-16 [1148 games]: P (31; fled); P (72; crimson batling); T (150); T (166); T (199); T (241); P (270; grimlet); P (288; moon moon); T (299); T (302); T (320); G (392); T (411); S (413); P (414; crimson batling); S (451); G (454); G (476); T (526); T (538); T (564); P (711; minishroom); P (733; foxette); T (746); T (841); P (866; giantini); J (884); G (927); P (933; hellpuppy); T (996); P (1057; minifernus);
Feb 17-23 [890 games]: G (27); S (33); T (49); T (82); T (97); T (109); T (129); T (133); P (211; crabbie); S (238); T (297); J (323); J (344); G (396); T (498); T (516); S (556); P (558; shortlong); T (579); S (645); P (674; flutter); T (690); T (719); G (729); S (749); P (765; ogrikin); S (796); J (888); P (890; minitaur);
Feb 24-Mar 1 [882 games]: T (1); T (56); T (81); J (95); T (96); M (108); M (219); P (276; twigant); T (335); P (343; mini maw); G (409); P (425; griffling); T (452); T (594); J (608); P (609; minishroom); S (671); S (686); T (796); T (809); S (876); T (881);
Mar 2-Mar 8 [114 games]: P (12; puddling); S (26); P (29; falabella); T (45); P (60; puddling); S (88); T (96);
Mar 9-Mar 15 [595 games]: T (46); T (77); P (97; giantini); P (106; snakelet); T (218); T (226); S (329); S (356); M (366); P (394; peace pigeon); P (438; pegaset); P (447; crimson battling); T (455); G (515); J (516); T (573); P (593; crabbie);
Mar 16-22 [606 games]: M (71); G (92); P (102; rockweiler); P (159; bright beetle); P (189; mini moa); G (250); J (313); T (326); S (394); T (415); G (448); P (485; snakelet); S (491); M (502); J (510); S (521); P (537; billy kid); G (570); T (594); G (600);
Mar 23-29 [400 games]: J (22); T (24); J (87); G (98); T (113); M (129); J (144); P (187; twigant); S (190); T (230); T (248); S (309); S (358);
Mar 30-Apr 5 [635 games]: T (2); S (247); S (262); J (371); G (410); T (450); P (460; auraio); S (481); P (509; minifernus); P (567; mini maw); P (586; snakelet); S (623); T (625); P (635; pegaset);
Apr 6-12 [215 games]: J (34); P (65; toy soldier); G (67); M (82); T (116); P (125; falabella); T (182); P (215; beelz);
Apr 13-19 [676 games]: P (146; flutter); T (182); T (192); P (193; puppybot); J (228); T (253); P (257; guppy); P (337; pinguin); M (407); T (501); S (511); M (513); T (528); T (575); S (587); P (637; yeti); T (673);
Apr 20-26 [332]: T (60); J (112); P (124; lucky); P (147; dawn bird); P (164; giantini); T (174); M (212); T (241); M (296); P (300; dawn bird); T (321); P (332; puddling);
Apr 27-May 3 [420 games]: J (13); P (15; guppy); T (21); T (63); S (139); J (159); T (208); T (275); P (282; pegaset); T (326);
May 4-10 [303 games]: P (18; flutter); T (38); T (55); S (98); T (133); P (143; urskine); T (159); P (166); T (190); P (195; pinguin); M (217);
May 11-17 [181 game]: G (6); P (27; feyrie); T (43); J (123);
May 18-24 [286 games]: J (22); S (45); P (73; mini maw); S (86); S (107); J (125); T (142); P (233; kit sith);
May 25-31 [247 games]: P (7; smallpaca); P (24; beelz); J (58); P (80; gargurgle); P (90; rockweiler); P (247; toy soldier);
June 1-7 [forgot to write down total games; somewhere around 300]: P (42; snakelet); T (77); P (156; kit sith); P (203; manticub);
June 8-14 [320 games]: J (80); T (83); P (167; magmapillar); T (177); M (197); P (202; martlet); G (213); M (263); P (315; twigant);
They have shafted gnome drops in the background. Fact
We got 4 yesterday and only a few were even playing PvP
The developers are definitely screwing with the gnome rate on the regular. I played over 500 pvp matches between Saturday and Sunday before finding a single one. THEN…when i did find one, it was one that i had maxed. Just another example of throttling.
Tracked Pet Gnome appearances last week. Played regular PvP. A lot.
Monday : 2 in 343 battles.
Tuesday : 3 in 291 battles.
Wednesday : 3 in 438 battles. One ran away. Other 2 gave NO rescue.
Thursday : 3 in 451 battles.
Friday : 12 in 310 battles. Treasure Vault Weekend! 6 were actual rescues.
Saturday : 13 in 348 battles. 7 were rescues.
Sunday : 14 in 368 battles. 7 rescues.
Pet Gnome appearance rate about 0.72 percent of battles before vault weekend. About 3.8 percent during vault weekend.
If you’re looking for Pet Gnomes in PvP, don’t bother on Wednesdays. Apparently the weekly pet rescue blocks all day.
Of course, this is only for one week. For one player with too much time on his hands. Other players’ results may vary.
If you kill pet gnome and win the battle then one of 2 things happen:
- if there is no active pet event:
you get 1 white pet food
pet rescue event starts for your guild - if there is an active pet event:
you get 2 white pet food
that’s why, pet gnomes on wednesdays are kind of wasted and probably why only half of them gave you a rescue event on weekend (because there was one already running)
I think if there is a active pet while you find a gnome then you should be able to save to use at later time. Same applies for 24 hr rescues. I hate wasting gnomes and hate waiting 30 mins for current rescue to end… just convert my gnome to pet bait and everybody’s happy . Why waste a pet gnome when they are already rare
Then don’t finish the match until the current pet gnome has expired. If your guild is not doing that then… it should.
Unless there are less than a few minutes remaining; this doesn’t make a lot of sense. Pet gnomes come along often enough.
That’s what the waiting 30 mins meant i posted
Sorry missed the 30 minutes… the wait can be annoying. But the dev soultion is daily deals, and 50 gems per pet isn’t too bad. Until you mutiply 50 x 31
However, I THINK this is cheaper than the pet store during an active rescue.
Daily deal for pets is way cheaper than pet store. Pet store would cost about 2500 gems to buy 31 copies, daily deal to 31 pets is 1550 gems.
So, I had to check the calendar to be sure it isn’t Wednesday. Today they give me another Pet Rescue which will block gnomes from PvP all day, even after I rescue the pet.
Apparently, their answer to our desire for more pet rescues is to guarantee one of them, then chase us away from PvP for the day. At least for those of us who only play PvP for the pet gnomes in the first place.
Heavy Sigh.
Saturdays pet event for cosmetics pets is a result of players asking for a way to gain cosmetic pets they previously missed.
They show up every now and than…
Fair enough.
Still, I would like to see a button to dismiss each all-day pet rescue, after it’s rescued, to allow for a useful Pet Gnome or two later in the day.
A better solution to the missing cosmetic pets would be simply adding them to the pool that come during regular pet rescues.