Why don't the kingdoms stack per hour missed with the tributes

As mentioned, I’m not in favour of this. I think of this more as a bonus for those who can login more frequently and make the game a priority.

However, I understand why some want this, since they can’t get on as frequently. I can see why console feels “hardest hit”, but I’m sure there are plenty of PC players who can only play at home similar to console players, or mobile players who don’t have (or want to use) data for this during the day. I don’t understand the VIP comments, as that’s totally irrelevant, and both paying and free players are equally affected by this.

Overall, I think this is a worthwhile thread, to show the differing opinions, and to allow the devs to see what players to think and possibly decide to make changes. Especially since this topic isn’t one which has been posted repeatedly and beaten to death like some of the others. It appears that my opinion is in the minority here, but to me that’s OK :wink: . It’s been a good discussion.


Now that is what I’m talking about, some positive feedback from both side of the gun, we still aren’t to one hundred votes yet so thanks for all the bumping, let’s keep this thread alive, thank you😁


Consoles players… need a phone app… so they can check their console game…on their phone…

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If I leave my console on for 6 hours, does the tribute stack for 6 hours or will it only give tributes for 1 hour?

That’s assuming I do not collect every hour but I am logged on…mmmmm.

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It will not stack,hence the thread, u have to collect every hour for max results.

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Darn, it should stack if I have my console on for 6 hours! Electricity is not cheap so at least reward me with stacked tributes! :grinning:

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Bumping for new forum members.

I don’t think the daily tasks make up for missing as many tributes as we do in a day over here on console.

As with everything else in the game that needs changed, I think tributes need looked at again as well.

And why is it so rare to get over 15 kingdoms at once?

Was this explained before?

I have all kingdoms maxed at their highest possible bonuses and my guild has a good bonus, but it’s still more common to get under 10 then it is over 15.


It’s probably explained within this thread but:

Part of the psychology of addiction is establishment of ritual. To get a person addicted, you need to make sure they can’t step away from your game for a while.

So F2P games generally establish non-stacking hourly bonuses. This makes players have to form a ritual around obtaining the bonus. The more you get the players establishing ritual around your game, the more stressed they get if something (i.e. “a different game” or “work” or “a spouse”) interrupts that time.

Stacking hourly bonuses means a person can comfortably schedule playtime when they want. Since they won’t be stressed, they’ll be less susceptible to compulsion. This is really bad if your income relies on people believing imaginary gems are worth $50.

Thus, you’re never going to see the hourly bonuses stack.


FYI. Daily Tasks were never, ever, ever designed to even the playing field for the inability to collect Tribute. That theory that gets posted from time to time is incorrect. They were designed as tutorial to teach new players about Gems. Anyhow PC/Mobile is getting them “Soon”, it was even just mentioned last week again.

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I think it would be very beneficial to all parties here, with all of the new gem sinks, if tribute was even updated to fit the new economy.

With all of the new events coming out and more updates to the game, the rest of the game feels very out dated.

This could be a way to meet in the middle, if orbs were now included and possibly shards, diamonds and more.

Call me crazy but I think tribute could pack a bigger bang if it were looked at again as well.

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Necromany should not be encouraged, leave the dead where they lie and burn the necromancer.

I think it’s wrong to believe the new game modes were intended to be finished by all players. They were clearly designed to be difficult to finish with a sustainable income. The devs aren’t stupid. If they intended for everyone to finish, the numbers would be a lot closer and we’d be asking for an adjustment on the order of 50 gems. Not 1,000.


As a console player we are always getting the shaft compared to PC/Mobile tribute is just another example. Some folks say the “daily tasks” make up for the lack of tribute collections but to me those just make up for the lack of “Codes” that give freebies that the PC/ Mobile players get that we do not.

They should have tribute on console worth 3x as much as PC/ Mobile or whatever the factor should be (they have the stats I’m sure to show how many log ins on average a mobile players does vs console and it’s probably 10 to 1 but in any event they surely know and could raise the Console tribute to balance this to some effect). I would like them to stack up to “X” amount of kingdoms you actually have as well not just cap at 28

I doubt it will ever happen though the recent changes to the game are all fuelled by a “spend more get less” mentality it seems…



Yup. I’ve been playing this game long enough (16 months) to know that everything they do to this game, how it will work on Console is an afterthought. From tributes to the New UI layout designs to basic navigation. Everything is formatted and made for PC and Mobile, we, as console players, are just “there”. They do and make changes/additions in a way where they work “good enough” on Console, but never “great”. That’s reserved for the PC and Mobile “Elites”. I’m not stupid.

Edit: I should mention that it’s not completely their fault, it’s on Microsoft and Sony too. They just as much at fault as to why our Gems isn’t as good as PC and Mobiles

It’s kind of weird that they allow the gold to stack but not the other rewards. I doubt this will ever happen because it would be a significant income increase and other things would have to be nerfed to even it out. Hell, even an increase in animation speed brought on a huge nerf to LT’s I can’t imagine what they would do to balance out people getting 100’s of extra gems per week… Probably make GW every 6 weeks and introduce 3 “new” (but very familiar) costly game modes. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


People on phone have an advantage when it comes to collecting tributes, because we on console can only collect at the end of the day when we’re back from work.