Who moderates the global chat?

I have an idea have your 13 year old play the game and not go to chat. Everyone knows there is a lot of drama in chat. Why on earth would your 13 year old be trolling chat. I only go there when I want a good laugh nothing more. You are asking the developers of a game to control what your child views…my goodness. SMH.

How can being on chat for 3 seconds be trolling?..Your logic is seriously flawed.

Maybe she’ll start reading 50 Shades of grey? :joy: lol sorry i had to :joy: But in all seriousness, i think you may have jumped the gun on giving up on a great game like GOW so quickly, don’t let trolls run you away.

Again if you do not want your child to see stuff in chat don’t let them go to chat. It is quite hard for Devs of a game to control other kids and adults that are nuckleheads…I hope they never discover chat rooms or Facebook or Twitter or even turn on the tv for goodness sakes.

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Don’t forget you can always report to xbox themselves for inappropriate content. They may send a report to 505 . Sometimes it’s just kids “flexing” and not adults but I understand your concern.

Go to settings(looks like a cog) then account. You’ll see what you need there.