Which Troop should be the 2.0 wallpaper?

Not quite what you said, but…

Rakshanin: Of all of the item shops in all of the kingdoms of Krystara, she walks into mine…


This made me laugh out loud. You get a like and a great job!

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i vote for Valor :slight_smile:


They need an LOL button on the forum.

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Sheggra, boudoir pose.

valor and mercy together might be nice touch

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Tyri and her brother.

Valor and Mercy would be great. Later some rotation of wallpapers for the game would be nice if the devs get some spare time after 2.0.

I’m guessing those screens require a new build, for whatever reason, which is why they never get updated.

You are probably right, that’s maybe the reason why it would require much more work/time to create another build just for shuffling the “loading screen”…

From inspiration thanks to @killerman3333 and @mkshandley:


That looks amazing. :scream:

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nice :)) looks good . that a sacred guardian sneaking around in background?

Yup, and there is another sneaking around character as well :wink:

Rakshanin on the cliff.

ahh I didn’t even see him hiding up top :slight_smile:

looks like tua to me though

Actually that’s Tau :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh they look similar to me.

All rakshas look the same? That’s not cool man… :wink: