Blue currently the most because of valkyrie, will change to yellow in 3 days (for the team you saw @TaliaParks)
Least? If I had to say it, I’d pick purple, but I have a purple user in all my teams. .
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I was planning on making this thread but someone else had that idea for me.
I use purple the most because most of my favorite troops are purple, plus it seems all the hero weapons I like require purple.
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Now that I am (mostly) free of the shackles of soul farming I am starting to spread out a bit but the Valkyrie has been my girl since she came out.
I use brown the least because their mana generators are random and lumbering. Basically use worms or go home.
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A preliminary (40/36 votes) ranking of “usage” seems to be:
- Yellow
- Blue
- Red
- Purple
- Green
- Brown
I use mainly green (tyri woot) and rarely use red.