What's in the console Event Pack for this week? (update this please)

I agree that the cost is too high in the consoles if glory is so difficulty to get as you say. :slight_smile:

Especially if it’s an UR :wink:

Even if. It’s what made Hobgoblin worthwhile to spend extra on.

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Been a long time since Ive played on the console, but to get 2 arcanes in UR packs looks fair if glory is harder to get hold of. :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t say it’s harder. Personal Tasks help out a lot.

Especially the Use 4 Maps one. Get 100 Glory for that.

Very nice, and as Shiratori says, there is a task that gives 100 glory for using 4 maps. How frequently is this task coming?

Fairly common. Farm with a Tyri deck and then go to work if you need 4 rather than buying them. Plus you’d get whatever Glory you pull from the maps on top.

I can clear that task and it shows up again real fast especially since the other tasks on that line include “Use 20 Gold Keys” and “Use 10 Glory Keys”. Easy things like that.


Don’t forget “Get 50 5-matches”, which you can do in Maps as well :smiley:

Has someone compiled a full list of the Tasks that we can get on console? Preferably one which includes the slot (#1 to #4) that that task usually occurs in?

I want to know if anyone’s ever received a task for Ascending a troop.

If we’d had access to a list like that, then players wouldn’t have gotten themselves stuck in 2 personal task slots for 2 weeks on the “Level up a City” task after maxing out everything.

Stuck for 2 weeks? Cough.

Trying to come up with all tasks will be somewhat challenging cause I know some won’t appear anymore (Raise yourself to Level 10 for example.)

Other’s I’ve heard about but never seen (“Unlock Darkstone.” for example).

I’m sure we could make a new thread to list what all the challenges are for each line and what you have to do to complete them (in case the task differs from what was written).

pretty sure there is no ascend a troop… slot 2 has trait a troop though.

Or 2-3 games with jarl :smiley: best task ever.
And of course: Change your armor

That was an oversight on our part. UR troops should be coming with just 1. Will be fixed soon.

Glory is easier to get on console than on PC/mobile.

Until you are around level 100, the goal is to get 1 copy of each weekly troop. Only after that does it make sense to try to get more glory per week. Around level 200 you should be able to consistently buy a few copies each week. (Or save for the weeks you want 10 of…)

It’s too important to spend glory on keys at low levels, and just one copy of the weekly troop is VERY attainable after a couple weeks of play.

The whole GoW economic system is designed such that you have shifting goals as you increase in power.

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Awww darn. And here I thought that was all part if the catch up plan.

guess I’m only buying 1 of any upcoming URs

Yeah, for me slot #2 has the “Forge a Trait” task which cycles immediately back to Forge a Trait. Again. And again…

There’s an issue with the traitstone drop mechanism on console. I’m having serious problems completing that task by traiting even a few of my troops. I know that Mr Strange or Nex has mentioned that before the v1.085 release, console players had been invisibly “collecting” traitstones for weeks prior, but something may have gone awry in the accounting there.

Remember my gameplay progress supposedly should have been further along on my console account than on iOS tablet. But when my PC/Mobile game was updated to v1.08, I automatically was grandfathered about 35 minors of each colour, about 3-4 runics each, and 0 to 1 arcanes each of the various types. I was able to trait some of my low-level troops immediately and use them on iOS.

Contrast this with my Xbox One experience. After the v1.085 update hit, I found myself with about 11 minors of each colour, 3 to 4 runics total, and 3 arcanes total. I could not trait anything at all then despite the constant “Forge a Trait” task reminder. I should have had far more total traitstones from completing all the questlines and a chunk of the challenges. I know this because in the PC/Mobile version, everyone appears to get at least one kingdom-specific arcane traitstone for completing each questline, which is why I had more or less one of each on iOS. On the console where I had completed ALL the questlines, I had virtually NO arcanes!

Which is why purchasing the arcane stones from the Shop on console has become my last resort here; I don’t have a choice given the abysmal normal drop rate. It looks like I’ll have to trait to deal with the increasing PvP difficulty. I’m not happy that I’m going to have to buy multiple arcane copies from now on-- of cards I most often don’t want-- just to cycle my Task list. And reducing the number of arcanes per event pack will make the issue that much worse.

EDIT: stuff that shows up from a chest doesn’t always make it safely all the way into my troop Inventory or my Collection. I have screenshots which show how many new troops I obtained from a chest (i.e., spider swarm or orc or thrall) which show a different number from what actually got stored in Inventory. The same error may have occurred with traitstone drops, for example with red minor stones.

Yes that one, dangit I completely forgot about the Task for unlocking a new city! If we had a handy tasklist guide to refer to, I would have remembered prior to clicking on it… today :older_man:

Wait a minute. I don’t have Jarl Firemantle. By “best task ever,” are you saying you get personal tasks to use specific cards in a match? What is the instruction text of that particular task?!??

Sorta. There are tasks that say use 3 of the same race but nothing that says use this troop specifically.

What he meant is that Jarl can make a lot of 5 matches on his own so that task goes quickly. He’s not the only troop that can do it fast though and as mentioned, matches made from the map game count as well.