What Kingdom Should Get a Rework Next?

I ´m the one who have not level priest.

But what you think about I never level Valk.

Incredible sure.

You need a title saying: most consistent context evader’

Exactly, or Frenzy darn it. If it did 1 point of true damage, it still really wouldn’t work.

As a troop, he’s so confused. He wants to be a leader and a front line combatant, yet his legendary trait throws him to the back row. Where he does nothing.

Best Gar’Nok deck I’ve had with him is to eat him with the Black Beast!


Garnok? Challenge accepted… i have no way to test this properly.
Custom Team - Teams - Gems of War Database All orc team.
Custom Team - Teams - Gems of War Database Frenzy giants.
I do think the kingdom needs a rework though. I doubt either of these are good but at least someone is trying to make a viable gor’nok team.

If I understood more than individual words you type (maybe even to sentence-level, but I won’t push my luck), maybe I’d be able to remain in your “context.”


The all orc team isn’t terrible. You get a high starting attack, which is nice, but it needs more synergy. I used to run a team with Dark Song, Drake Rider, Summoner, and Gar’Nok. Very resilient, but painfully slow.

This is the one point I agree with you on (to a degree)

However I would argue that I like the place where the 10% is as much better than where the 90% is. The game feels faster paced and fun. If the 90% was brought up to that level and then every single troop stayed on that level and there wasn’t another power creep, I would be quite content. The pacing of this game is great and allows for quicker play times and more rewards. Easier to get a few matches in before you have to do something else. If they slowed the game down they should compensate by increasing rewards.

Now after everything is on point with the good and end game viable troops we have now (excluding some of the obviously over powered troops), I don’t want to see any more power creep. I do not want one card to decide the fate of the game. This is a team troop building game, not win the most OP card and win. There needs to be synergy and strategy still. Right now this game is in a good spot with its end game viable teams in terms of strategy and synergy. I just want to see more of that (and watch every kingdom be brought up to this level, and then never again).

I think Sirrian made a post explaining the power creep and explaining they wanted to find a good power level that we liked. I agree with the spot we are in now and just want everything in line with it. All of those troops you’ve mentioned need a buff desperately. They are not end game viable.

The goal I would like to see is to make every card have a purpose. Not every one will be end game viable because there are cards that are supposed to be used for early to mid game and then late game. But I would like to see every high rarity card (legendary and mythic) end game viable with support from Lower rarities when needed.

The rest Of your arguments I strongly disagree with.


@wskill’s arguments only really work for explore. I prefer this mode, because I can use slower and more ineffective (god I hate that term) teams for more varied gameplay and ultimately more fun.

I highly doubt that I’ll ever go back to PVP again. Its gameplay is very stiff and more algorithmic than explore, which I strongly dislike. I’m even ready to pay the price of getting less gold, because more gold doesn’t even closely compensate unfun gameplay.

However I sadly have to disagree with @wskill when we’re talking about PVP. High-level PVP pretty much forces you to use the best of the best in order to succeed.

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That’s inappropriate and rude. Your posts have been flagged by many here as hard to understand.


You mean interesting?

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I use universal proper language so if some dont understand it there exist thesaurus.

Abacus my up the elbow left albatross the courage need not watermelon the kill baptism? Exactly your finding into salad brown cornice dalliance.


That was only mildly amusing.

There’s nothing universal nor proper about your spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Communication requires effort on both the speaker and listener’s parts, but if you want to be understood, you should make the effort to communicate in a way your audience will understand easily.


I’m sure everyone else got my meaning. If you couldn’t keep up with my intellectual prodigiousness, do try a thesaurus.

I did get the meaning but using its conceptual form as an argument against my articulation would be a logical fallacy. Its nothing more than a simple ridiculization.

I agree which is exactly why i dont see why there is dissonance at all. Im not being pretentious anywhere… As ive said before im speaking in proper english.

I believe you should look at your prior posts again.

Also look at the definition of proper English.

It does not include slang. It has great grammar and spelling. It also typically uses transitions to get you from point to point and is well organized and formal. Proper: obeying the rules of grammar and The English language.

Your posts did not share any of those qualities. I could understand them because I tried to and I am good at that typically. But I can understand how others could not, especially since we have people here where English is not their native tongue.

You are actually speaking in improper English, or slang. Which is harder to understand.

I am on ps4 and typing w this thing takes ages so i use suggestions sometimes to speed it up but the posts responded to and this one i take my time on. I cant help ppl if they dont understand everything, others do understand. Doesnt take away im onpoint either because i am. Context has always been the factual problems created with upward balancing powercreep. As long as the relevant devs understand my share of knowledge on the matter i care not what grievances individuals have and ignore most of their wail and woe, im not here to discuss preference but balance.